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1. What are the key elements of operations and supply chain management?
The main aim of the operations and supply chain management is to deal with the design,
improvement, and operation of the system that creates firm’s product and services. The key
elements of operations and supply chain management are specialists in product design,
purchasing, manufacturing, service operations, logistics, and distribution (Jacobs & Chase,
2014).Thus, the supply chain management involves purchasing products, inventory
management, transportation, and distribution. For example, if a company sells digital
electronic products to the customer, then the process of delivering the final product to
customers goes through different stages of operation and supply chain management. The
various stages include designing electronic products, purchasing the raw materials required to
make those products, moving the product, coordinating equipment resources so that the raw
materials can be converted to products and finally making it available for the customers. The
operation and supply chain management strategy helps the firm in making better delivery of
products at a low cost leading to more customer satisfaction. It uses integration of strategy,
process that delivers product and services, and analytics supporting new design (Jacobs &
Chase, 2014).Thus, operation and supply chain management is essential for firms as it helps
in controlling the flow of information for making efficient and effective decision.
Jacobs, F. R., & Chase, R. B. (2014). Operations and supply chain management (14th ed.).
New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin.

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2. What are the major concepts defining the field of operations and supply chain
Operation and supply chain management concepts began to evolve during 1970s and include
as discussed below:
a) Just in-time production: It is an inventory strategy of receiving goods by companies only
when they need in the production process. It was developed during 1970s.
b) Manufacturing Strategy: It was developed during the late 1970s as a tool for competing
against other similar companies. The main emphasis was laid on the manufacturing.
c) It is essential that top quality and unique service should be delivered which has a major
influence on operation and supply chain management.
d)Six Sigma Quality:It improves the quality of products and services by eventually lowering
the errors and variations involved in manufacturing goods and services.
e)TQM and Quality Certification Programs: It is an integrative philosophy of management
for continuously improving the quality of product and services. One example of quality
standards is the ISO 9000 which plays a major role in setting quality standards (Jacobs &
Chase, 2014).
f)Business process Reengineering is one of the major concepts in operation and supply chain
strategy involving radical redesign of core business process to achieve improvement in
productivity, quality and cycle times.

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1. What are the key elements of operations and supply chain management? Answer The main aim of the operations and supply chain management is to deal with the design, improvement, and operation of the system that creates firm’s product and services. The key elements of operations and supply chain management are specialists in product design, purchasing, manufacturing, service operations, logistics, and distribution (Jacobs & Chase, 2014).Thus, the supply chain management involves purchasing products, inventory management, transportation, and distribution. For example, if a company sells digital electronic products to the customer, then the process of delivering the final product to customers goes through different stages of operation and supply chain management. The various stages include designing electronic products, purchasing the raw materials required to make those products, moving the product, coordinating equipment resources so that the raw materials can be converted to products and finally making it available for the customers. The operation and supply chain management strategy helps the firm in making better delivery of products at a low cost leading to more customer satisfaction. It uses integration of strategy, process that delivers product and services, and analytics supporting new design (Jacobs & Chase, 2014).Thus, operation and supply chain management is essential for firms as it helps in controlling the flow of information for making efficient and effective d ...
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