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Title of Article: Deloitte hack hit server containing emails from across US government
Author of Article: Nick Hopkins
Name of Newspaper: The Guardian
Date of Newspaper: Tuesday 10 October 2017
Deloitte’s hack
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited located in the UK is referred as Deloitte in most cases
with its headquarters based in the city of New York in the United States. Deloitte assimilates
multinational proficient services. The Guardian article discussed in this paper highlighted a case
that claimed unknown attackers hacked Deloitte's servers.
According to the sources that provide information to the Guardian, 350 clients had their
emails incorporated by Deloitte. On the other hand, Deloitte stated that only six clients had their
accounts hacked and they were confident that the hacking which began last year did not exist.
However, some sources with information about the attack indicate that the incident spread
widely to the extent that Deloitte was not ready to accept. Also, the company could not fully
comprehend the information that was stolen during the hack.
The Guardian continues to tell that apart from the emails, the hackers managed to access
the clients’ IP addresses, usernames, passwords, information on health and architectural plans
related with their businesses. On the contrary, Deloitte Company answered such claims through
its spokesman by saying the company downplayed the violation and insisted that they take
attacks happening on their servers seriously. According to the company, even though the impact
affected a few clients, one client affected equals to very many clients. The spokesman also adds
that Deloitte knew the information which was on the target by the hackers.
Claims on hacking indicate organizations such as the United Nations, departments in the
government of US including postal service, energy, defense, housing, and health among others to
being the victims of the attack. Additionally, Fifa(a body governing world’s football) with other
3 airlines, 2 re-known car manufacturers worldwide, pharmaceutical firms and 4 intercontinental

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Surname 1 Student’s Name: Title of Article: Deloitte hack hit server containing emails from across US government Author of Article: Nick Hopkins Name of Newspaper: The Guardian Date of Newspaper: Tuesday 10 October 2017 Deloitte’s hack Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited located in the UK is referred as Deloitte in most cases with its headquarters based in the city of New York in the United States. Deloitte assimilates multinational proficient services. The Guardian article discussed in this paper highlighted a case that claimed unknown attackers hacked Deloitte's servers. Summary According ...
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