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The Brothers Grimm
My knowledge about the work based on the short passage is that it explicitly involves
supernatural, magic scientifically impossible elements. The story revolves around a young man
who was from a poor background and a mysterious stranger. The latter is depicted as being super
large and wanted a favor from the young boy. The characters that are revealed in the story
includes the widow who was the custodian of the boy, the boy named Aladdin is also a major
character in the story. The mysterious stranger is also a notable character depicted as an element
of fantasy. The beginning of the story evokes the feeling of fear. As noted, the young boy was
scared when he met the stranger. This work relates to my personal experience more eminently
when dealing with people superior than me. In context, the storyline depicts being obliged to
follow someone’s commands on the grounds that I am inferior.
Source: "Fiction: The Adventures of Aladdin". Fiction.Eserver.Org, 2016,
Sue Ragland

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The Hero
The work is based on a family. It explains about the persona’s grandfather and his relationship
with his family. The characters that are reveled in the story is the persona’s grandfather who is
the main character as the entire story is all about him. The grand mother is also mentioned in the
story acting as the embodiment of reason to the grandfather. The story evokes a sad emotions.
The persona narrates the ordeal of the separation of his grandfather with his children. This was
according to the story precipitated by the First World War. This story related to my personal
experience in the fact that I used to feel bad when I stay away from my family for quit sometime.
The feeling of family separation is so sad.
Source: "Short Stories: The Hero by Sue Ragland". Eastoftheweb.Com, 2016,
A Dream within a Dream
By Edgar Allan Poe
The poem on my point of view in some instance shows the first person point of view of the
narrator of the poem parting from a lover. The second paragraph of the same show the narrator
on a beach while futilely attempting to grasp a handful of sand in his hand. The character that is
only depicted in the entire poem is narrator. The narrator seems to lament from parting from a
lover. This evokes the emotion of sadness in the poem. There is some seen ironic similarity of
the evanescent natures of the paragraphs of the poem. This story relates closely to my personal
experience in the sense that there is always things in life that weigh us down in life.
Source: Poe, Edgar Allan. "A Dream within a Dream." (2009).

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Surname 1 Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Discipline Date of submission Fiction THE ADVENTURES OF ALADDIN The Brothers Grimm My knowledge about the work based on the short passage is that it explicitly involves supernatural, magic scientifically impossible elements. The story revolves around a young man who was from a poor background and a mysterious stranger. The latter is depicted as being super large and wanted a favor from the young boy. The characters that are revealed in the story includes the widow who was the custodian of the boy, the boy named Aladdin is also a major character in the story. The mysterious stranger is also a notable character depicted as an element of fantasy. The beginning of the story evokes the feeling of fear. As noted, the young boy was scared when he met the stranger. This work relates to my personal experience more eminently when dealing with pe ...
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