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Running Head: Vargas Case Study 1
Vargas Case Study
Institution of Affiliation

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Vargas Case Study 2
Vargas Case Study
The approach given toward the task of building a therapy alliance entirely depends on the
client and their condition. For treatment it is important that the therapist establishes the basic
bond and preserve details for the next task. Forming an alliance is a premature effort to establish
the focus and target towards Frankie’s healing. Additionally, during the first interview, it is
necessary that you express your sense of togetherness in the journey of finding out what exactly
is Frankie’s situation. Similarly, a show of empathy to what Elizabeth is undergoing with
recognition of her sacrifice to give up her carrier for her son. Regarding Bob’s attitude that
Frankie was just being a boy, it is important that you respond with mutual awareness but deep
honesty that therapy would identify whether the case was serious or Bob was just naïve. The
character and behavior description of Frankie forms the foundation of the therapy however
witnessing his impulsivity provides important facts for study and empathy for the worried
mother. Additionally, this calms down their marital tides with the feeling that the matter was
being handled.
The mutual endeveour provokes honest and active conversations especially between the
parents. Hence they can openly share deeper information faithfully due to trust formed.
Therapists must express curiosity in Frankie by probably provoking him into play just to study
their interpretation or how long his concentration lasts. When questioned on why he grabs the
phone from his sister it is important to establish whether the violence was derived from watching
his father train wrestling or he has not been taught respect especially to his sister and elders. This
could explain the foundation of his violence and his tendency to interrupt conversations. On a
first sitting the parents should be advised appropriately on how to behave towards each other.
Easing on arguments at all or even in the presence of the children could catalyze the condition

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Running Head: Vargas Case Study 1 Vargas Case Study Name Institution of Affiliation Vargas Case Study 2 Vargas Case Study The approach given toward the task of building a therapy alliance entirely depends on the client and their condition. For treatment it is important that the therapist establishes the basic bond and preserve details for the next task. Forming an alliance is a premature effort to establish the focus and target towards Frankie’s healing. Additionally, during the first interview, it is necessary that you express your sense of togetherness in the journey of finding out what exactly is Frankie’s situation. Similarly, a show of empathy to what Elizabeth is undergoing with recognition of her sacrifice to give up her carrier for her son. Regarding Bob’s attitude that Frankie was just being a boy, it is important that you respond with mutual awareness but deep honesty that therapy would identify whether the case was serious or Bob was just naïve. The character and behavior description of Frankie forms the foundation of the therapy however witnessing his impulsivity provides important facts for study and empathy for the worried mother. Additionally, this calms down their marital tides with the feeling that the matter was being handled. The mutual endeveour provokes honest and active conversations especially between the parents. Hence they can openly share deeper information faithfully due to trust formed. Therapists must express curiosity in Frankie by p ...
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