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We should not extend the status of the family to same sex-couples. There are two reasons for this.
First, not all discrimination is bad. It is not wrong to discriminate in favor of what is good and against
what is bad for our society. Secondly, on the basis of family status, it is not unfair to treat same-sex
couples differently than a mixed-sex couple because they are objectively different.
This is how I would set it up:
P: Not all discrimination is bad.
SC: Therefore, it is not wrong to discriminate in favor of what is good and bad.
P: It is not unfair to treat different things differently, like same-sex couples and opposite-sex couples.
FC: We should not extend the status of the family to same-sex couples.
If you need it to follow the order in which they were stated:
C: We should not extend the status of the family to same-sex couples.
P: Not all discrimination is bad.
SC: Therefore, it is not wrong to discriminate in favor of good-bad.
P: It is not unfair to treat different things differently, like same-sex couples and opposite-sex
Regarding the implicit assumption, I would have to put it on two situations:
IA: That same-sex relationships are inherently bad, as it would not be argued against, if it were on
the positive side of the good-bad scale, as referenced in the sub-conclusion. Discrimination is
justified based on the understanding that
IA: That same-sex relationships are objectively different from different sex couples. Though it is true
that there is an objective difference -- basically in terms to its composition -- but this is not enough to
make a sweeping statement about “difference. Regarding morality, ethics, and psychology, one
should not expect to see anobjective” difference between the two. The “objective diffe rence that
needs to be accepted needs to be far-reaching enough that it makes it sufficient to justify different
Both of these assumptions are necessary to maintain the argument afloat, though they are not
directly stated. I think it would be best to include them both, as both halves of the argument, and
their aid in constructing the final conclusion, are a bit different, even if they tie to the same idea.

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We should not extend the status of the family to same sex-couples. There are two reasons for this. First, not all discrimination is bad. It is not wrong to discriminate in favor of what is good and against what is bad for our society. Secondly, on the basis of family status, it is not unfair to trea ...
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