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Python is deemed to be an object-oriented programming language, which is integrated
with complex data structure algorithms. The language is further considered to be one that is
featured with a dynamic typing module, as well as a concise syntax. Thus, due to its
characteristics, the language is suitable for application developing, as well as for scripting
purposes in different platforms.
What makes python to reliable and flexible programming language over other languages
is its interpretive nature. It contains a standard library and an interpreter converted in a binary or
source form, which is embedded on its website. This in return makes it compatible with a wide
range of platforms (OS) and devices.
New data types and functions may be able to be called from other languages, with the aid
of the Python interpreter. Such languages include C++ and C, or any other that may be called
from C. Hence, with this property, python acts as extensions for applications that are
The primary advantages of the aforementioned language over others are that:

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Student’s name: Professor’s name: Course: Date: Website Summary Python is deemed to be an object-oriented programming language, which is integrated with complex data structure algorithms. The language is further considered to be one that is featured with a dynamic typing module, as well as a concise syntax. Thus, due to its characteristics, the language is suitable for application developing, as well as for scripting purposes in different platforms. What makes python to reliable and flexible programming language over other languages is its interpretive nature. It contains a standard libra ...
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