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Theoretical Perspectives

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Theoretical Perspectives
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In the contemporary society, the majority of people are experiencing hard decisions to
make on which career to pursue. It is important to note that many people find it hard to select
their best career to pursue because they are constrained by factors such financial constraints,
family influence, past education achievement, and even the changing labor market conditions.
For the case of Jose, he is facing hard times in life because he is constrained by financial
constraints, family background, and past performance in school.
The purpose of this paper is to assist Jose to find the best work that suits him. In the
past, Jose has not been satisfied with the kind of job he has been doing after completing high
school. To offer him best advice on which job to take, Holland's Theory of vocational Choice
is applicable for him (Brown, 2015). This paper will be structured into the analysis of the
theory and applicability of the theory to the case of Jose. At the end, best recommendations
will be provided for Jose regarding actions to take.
In the case of Jose, Holland theory of vocational choice is best for him. Holland
theory asserts that most of the people are one of six personality types such as artistic,
realistic, conventional, investigative, social, and enterprising. People with realistic personality
had good skills in working with machines, and tend to avoid social activities such as healing
and teaching (Brown & Lent, 2013). Investigative people see self as scientific, precise, and
intellectual. Artistic people value creative arts such as drama and music. Social people see
self as friendly, helpful, and trustworthy. Enterprising people see self as sociable, ambitious,
and energetic. Conventional value success in business and see self as orderly.
Holland states that people search for an environment that allows them to exercise their
abilities, skills, values, and roles properly. Holland argues that a person's behavior is
determined by an interaction between the characteristics of the environment and his or her
personality. The pattern of environment and personality pattern of an individual can

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Running Head: THEORITICAL PERSPECTIVES Theoretical Perspectives Name Institutional Affiliation 1 THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES 2 In the contemporary society, the majority of people are experiencing hard decisions to make on which career to pursue. It is important to note that many people find it hard to select their best career to pursue because they are constrained by factors such financial constraints, family influence, past education achievement, and even the changing labor market conditions. For the case of Jose, he is facing hard times in life because he is constrained by financial constraints, family background, and past performance in school. The purpose of this paper is to assist Jose to find the best work that suits him. In the past, Jose has not been satisfied with the kind of job he has been doing after completing high school. To offer him best advice on which job to take, Holland's Theory of vocational Choice is applicable for him (Brown, 2015). This paper will be structured into the analysis of the theory and applicability of the theory to the case of Jose. At the end, best recommendations will be provided for Jose regarding actions to take. In the case of Jose, H ...
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