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Web Technologies
Mergers and Acquisitions
In the recent past, mergers have shown to fail between 50 to 70 percent of the times that
they have been used. However, senior managers still pursue them and bring them towards their
organizations with the view that they will add value. One of the reasons that managers still
pursue mergers and acquisitions is the belief that synergies still exist. Synergies allow companies
to work together more efficiently than when they operate separately (Appelbaum n.p). They can
share managerial expertise, raise larger amount of capital for their operations as well as
eliminating the duplication of functions. Such expertise will allow them to take on bigger
competitors and establish a better and bigger market which they can rely on.
Secondly, companies are still interested in merging so that they can acquire more clients
for their products. With shared strength, it is possible that the organizations will be able to attract
larger crowds to buy their products and services. The other reason that managers still consider
mergers and acquisitions is due to the superior technology that they will be able to share with
them. Most companies are innovative than others but lack enough funds to push through with
their innovation plans. Therefore, they choose to merge with other companies that can offer the
funds to help the innovation.

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Surname 1 Name Instructor Course Date Web Technologies Mergers and Acquisitions In the recent past, mergers have shown to fail between 50 to 70 percent of the times that they have been used. However, senior managers still pursue them and bring them towards their organizations with the view that they will add value. One of the reasons that managers still pursue mergers and acquisitions is the belief that synergies still exist. Synergies allow companies to work together more efficiently than when they operate separately (Appelbaum n.p). They can share managerial expertise, raise larger amount of capital for their operations as well as eliminating the duplication of functions. Such expertise will allow them to take on bigger competitors and establish a better and bigger market which they can rely on. Secondly, companies are still interested in merging so that they can acquire more clients for their products. With shared strength, it is possible that the organizations will be able to attract larger crowds to buy their products and services. The other reason that managers still consider mergers and acquisitions is due to the superior technology that they will be able to share with them. ...
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