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Type 2 hypervisors and its applicability on forensics and computer OS
A close look at the information technology environment in the modern world lands us to
the finding that most hypervisors used in production are the type 1 hypervisor techniques. Some
users prefer hypervisor type two since it operates as an application on top of an already available
operating system. The reason for settlement on type 1 hypervisor points to its efficiency and low
overhead costs. On the other hand, the group that prefers type 2 hypervisor looks at the small
expenses and the test environment and lab factor of the application.
Hypervisors used in USB drive of 16Gb or less
We have the VMware type used in the above scenario whereby it becomes applicable in
the hardware and technical needs of the IT environment. The technicians must evaluate the
usability of a disk space to see if the capacity can get run on a program and still achieve the best
result of low cots on the rich application. The type 2 hypervisor goes on to include the
implications and the advantages in using the specific disk space or less. The lesser the disk space
applied, the higher the security guaranteed by the operating system at hand thus improve the
system stability (Merkel, 2014).
Operating systems and the forensics tools used
There are many OS used in the improved operations of hypervisor type two. The
common on points to the Linux operating system. Others include Windows Mac and Windows
Vista among much more. The Linux serves as the best system used for the actions of protecting
network activity. Lastly, a look at the forensics and its applications on the same attract

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Running head: VIRTUALIZATION 1 Virtualization Name Course Tutor Date VIRTUALIZATION 2 Type 2 hypervisors and its applicability on forensics and computer OS Introduction A close look at the information technology environment in the modern world lands us to the finding that most hypervisors used in production are the type 1 hypervisor techniques. Some users prefer hypervisor type two since it operates as an application on top of an already available operating system. The reason for settlement on type 1 hypervisor points to its efficiency and low overhead costs. On the other hand, the group that prefers type 2 hypervisor looks at the small expenses and the test environment and lab factor of the application. Hypervisors used in USB drive of 16Gb or less We have the VMware type used in the above scenario whereby it becomes applicable in the hardware and technical needs of the IT environment. The technicians must evaluate the usability of a disk space to see if the capacity can get run on a program and still achieve the best result of low cots on the rich application. The type 2 hypervisor goes on to include the implications and the advantages in using the specific disk space or less. The lesser the disk space applied, the higher the security guaranteed by the operating system at hand thus improve the system stability (Merkel, 2014). Operating systems and the forensics tools used There are many OS used in the improved operations of hypervisor type two. The common on points to ...
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