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Robert Frost was and still is a very important part of American history both in terms of
modernism and poetry, born in San Francisco in the year 1874. He is known globally for his
strong criticism of several modernism aspects in America whether abnormal psychology,
ecocriticism, or dissociation, all are encompassed in the poetic marvels of Frost. He writes
about modern industries, robotics, and other things that have shaped the millennial age,
whilst employing great artistry in his works.
Frost describes how the humans with their modernism have destroyed the habitats of all
living organisms that co-exist in the eco-system. This has been depicted by the poet using
the animals, who all in unison wish to follow the wind and move to a better serene
environment, free and devoid of human presence (Varshika, 256). He writes:
“We will go with you, O Wind!
The foliage follows him, leaf and stem;
But a sleep oppresses them as they go.
The man has become ever more self-centered over the years. In his poem ‘Mending wall’
Frost speaks on how man has now become like a robot, ever working to meet financial

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demands and have the sweetest things in life. In that sense modern man has changed and
lost touch with nature and amongst themselves, becoming indifferent to miseries of others.
This is clearly depicted in the poem Departmental and few words are worth quoting here:
“One crossing with hurried tread
The body of one of their dead
Isn‘t given a moment‘s arrest
Seems not even impressed”.
In his poem ‘Desert Places’ Robert shows the evolution of mans’ integration with his
surroundings, the reason of such drastic change may be viewed in a sense that, modern man
has become aggressive on account of the gratification with the natural phenomena. During
the ancient times, humans felt a bond with their natural surroundings but the consequences
of the arrival of science are such that man then started questioning about everything
including the very existence of God. Robert Frost’s works of poetry give a clear view of some
of these issues that still affect the modern day America (Varshika, 258).
From a feministic perspective, ‘The Yellow Wallpaperbrings out some gender issues, which
I intend to outline in this essay. The first notable gender associated characteristic is depicted
in John the persona’s husband. He is overly arrogant and dismissive. John ignores his wife’s
pleas to visit Julie and to move to another room. This male associated trait can also be
examined by the manner in which the sick wife lies about her interactions with the yellow
wall (Charlotte, 2).

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Surname 1 Name: Professor: Title: Date PART I Robert Frost was and still is a very important part of American history both in terms of modernism and poetry, born in San Francisco in the year 1874. He is known globally for his strong criticism of several modernism aspects in America whether abnormal psychology, ecocriticism, or dissociation, all are encompassed in the poetic marvels of Frost. He writes about modern industries, robotics, and other things that have shaped the millennial age, whilst employing great artistry in his works. Frost describes how the humans with their modernism have destroyed the habitats of all living organisms that co-exist in the eco-system. This has been depicted by the poet using the animals, who all in unison wish to follow the wind and move to a better serene environment, free and devoid of human presence (Varshika, 256). He writes: “We will go with you, O Wind! The foliage follows him, leaf and stem; But a sleep oppresses them as they go”. The man has become ever more self-centered over the years. In his poem ‘Mending wall’ Frost speaks on how man has now become like a robot, ever working to meet financial Surname 1 demands and have the ...
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