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Free Trade for a Better World

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Free Trade for a Better World
Trade restriction is used to depict any fees applied to exports and imports in the form of
quotas and tariffs. Such restrictions have benefits and dangers on the scale of global and local
markets. Despite the fact that the scholars argue that the trade restrictions are not more
beneficial, it is important to ascertain that there are some merits associated with the trade
restrictions. The research focuses on examples more than viewing and explaining the trade
policies the world has, and it also focuses on the U.S. as it is the place Im writing the research
from and a very big trade chain considered around the world. The main rationale as to why the
discussion focuses on the examples instead of the policy discussion is that trade is a habitual and
practical activity. These examples will help us identify the benefits based on each side of the
issue and the part involved in it politically and economically. Research has been done on those
aspects and furthermore in policies that changed the face of global trade. Trade restrictions
damage economies; local and global, by monopolization, and damaging developing countries'
Typically, trade is built to share interests and exchange values, but monopolization is
against these concepts. When restrictions on international markets are placed local producers,
and small firms could take it as an advantage in their growing business. The demand rises, and
they are the only supplier to the market, and in a way, they could create a shortage in the market
to raise the prices. As an example of an international monopolization because of trade
restrictions, China placed it in exports of rare minerals, that it is being used for the tech industry,
which causes a rise in tech products values (Trujillo, 2015). Some claim that restrictions that
reduce imports are beneficial where the competitive and big companies that would reduce the
profit margin to increase the revenue. Small and local businesses will find it hard to enter the

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Running head: FREE TRADE FOR A BETTER WORLD Free Trade for a Better World Name Institution 1 FREE TRADE FOR A BETTER WORLD 2 Free Trade for a Better World Trade restriction is used to depict any fees applied to exports and imports in the form of quotas and tariffs. Such restrictions have benefits and dangers on the scale of global and local markets. Despite the fact that the scholars argue that the trade restrictions are not more beneficial, it is important to ascertain that there are some merits associated with the trade restrictions. The research focuses on examples more than viewing and explaining the trade policies the world has, and it also focuses on the U.S. as it is the place I’m writing the research from and a very big trade chain considered around the world. The main rationale as to why the discussion focuses on the examples instead of the policy discussion is that trade is a habitual and practical activity. These examples will help us identify the benefits based on each side of the issue and the part involved in it politically and economically. Research has been done on those aspects and furthermore in policies that changed the face of global trade. Trade restrictions damage economies; local and global, by monopolization, and damaging developing countries' economies. Typically, trade is built to share interests and exchange values, but monopolization is against these concepts. When restrictions on international markets are placed local producers, and small ...
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