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Starbuck Milestone

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Milestone Three: Analysis

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It is the function of the government to implement policies that ensure local businesses
thrive and that local stakeholder's benefit. International trade is also an essential part of any
country's growth, and as such, the governments are also obligated to ensure that the local traders
and participants in the international trade benefit and are not exploited by foreign companies.
The strategy implemented by the government in Ethiopia aimed at ensuring that coffee farmers
in Ethiopia get better benefits is a good policy to the country. However, its effects are far-
reaching as coffee companies that had invested in the country and already had established means
to get coffee from the state are affected negatively. This means that they are no longer able to get
coffee from the country directly and have to purchase the already branded coffee. The case of
Starbucks and the Ethiopian government is one that has risen due to the policy implemented by
the Ethiopian government. The policy has effects on the company which needs to be reviewed to
ensure that the company does not incur losses of any form as a result.
Business Environment
The policy implemented by Ethiopia has potential repercussions for Starbucks operations.
Starbucks is well known for striving to provide unique coffee tastes to its clients. In using coffee
that is already branded, the company stands to lose as this means that the coffee is not directly
processed from the farmers but has undergone some form of processing and branding before
being sold to Starbucks. This poses a threat to the company where the brand already created and
funded by the company may be at stake. The coffee processing process for Starbucks that helps
in ensuring the excellent taste starts with the growing of the coffee. Starbucks has invested
heavily in farmers all over the world including Ethiopia. We have farmer support centers in
Ethiopia where we educate farmers on how to grow the best coffee (Starbucks, 2017). Farmers

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1 Milestone Three: Analysis Name Instructor Institution Date 2 It is the function of the government to implement policies that ensure local businesses thrive and that local stakeholder's benefit. International trade is also an essential part of any country's growth, and as such, the governments are also obligated to ensure that the local traders and participants in the international trade benefit and are not exploited by foreign companies. The strategy implemented by the government in Ethiopia aimed at ensuring that coffee farmers in Ethiopia get better benefits is a good policy to the country. However, its effects are farreaching as coffee companies that had invested in the country and already had established means to get coffee from the state are affected negatively. This means that they are no longer able to get coffee from the country directly and have to purchase the already branded coffee. The case of Starbucks and the Ethiopian government is one that has risen due to the policy implemented by the Ethiopian government. The policy has effects on the company which needs to be reviewed to ensure that the company does not incur losses of any form as a result. Business Environment The policy implemented by Ethiopia has potential repercussions for Starbucks operations. Starbucks is well known for striving to provide unique coffee tastes to its clients. In using coffee that is already branded, the company stands to lose as this means that the coffee is not directly process ...
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