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The Brain And Sensation And Perception

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The Brain and Sensation and Perception
Institutional Affiliation

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In explaining the difference between sensation and perception, I would like to begin with
a question. In any case, you are walking and smell a fragrant flower, what do we experience is it
sensation or perception?
So I begin sensation is the process whereby we convey information or data from outside
globe into our personal bodies, thus most specifically brains. While perception is the active act of
selection, organization and interpretation of the information passed through by the senses to the
brain (Lefrancois, 2016).
The flow is that sensation occurs first where organs of sensory take in power from stimuli
in the surrounding as well, sensory receptors change the taken in power into neural impulses that
are now legible through the brain. Thereafter perception takes charge and the brain puts in order
the data or information, thus producing a meaningful substance. However, we can render
something meaningful through selective attention is the process of differentiating importance or
irrelevance which is influenced by motivation. Perceptual expectancy this is the way we tend to
perceive the world as a function of our previous experience, culture and biological structures. For
instance, when you look into a painting you may not be seeing the message the painter tried to
convey, but once someone explains it, you begin seeing messages being carried by the paint,
unlike your previous experience (Nisbett, & Miyamoto, 2005).
To know the way of converting physical stimuli to psychological knowledge there is need
of threshold. It is a separating line in between detectable force as well as what doesn’t.
Difference threshold is the smallest amount of stimuli intensity change required to fabricate a
perceptible adjust. In short the superior the intensity of stimuli the superior the transform

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Running Head: THE BRAIN AND SENSATION AND PERCEPTION The Brain and Sensation and Perception Institutional Affiliation Date 1 THE BRAIN AND SENSATION AND PERCEPTION 2 In explaining the difference between sensation and perception, I would like to begin with a question. In any case, you are walking and smell a fragrant flower, what do we experience is it sensation or perception? So I begin sensation is the process whereby we convey information or data from outside globe into our personal bodies, thus most specifically brains. While perception is the active act of selection, organization and interpretation of the information passed through by the senses to the brain (Lefrancois, 2016). The flow is that sensation occurs first where organs of sensory take in power from stimuli in the surrounding as well, sensory receptors change the taken in power into neural impulses that are now legible through the brain. Thereafter perception takes charge and the brain puts in order the data or information, thus producing a meaningful substance. However, we can render something meaningful through selective attention is the process of differentiating importance or irrelevance which is influenced by motivation. Perceptual expectancy this is the way we tend to perceive the world as a function of our previous experience, culture and biological structures. For instance, when you look into a painting you may not be seeing the message the painter tried to convey, but once someone explains it, you ...
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