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M155 Larry S Response.edited

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Business Law
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Running head: LARRYS RESPONSE 1
Larry’s Response
Institution Affiliation

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I cannot agree more with the fact that product advertisement is aimed at luring and
persuading buyers to actually purchase certain products. Product advertisement should, however,
be done in an ethical manner to avoid exploiting the buyers and to ensures that buyers get the
products that are actually represented to them. Misrepresentation has become prevalent in
product advertisements (Jeeva, 2017). This is where organizations do not give full information
about a product thus inconveniencing a buyer. These deceptive activities are unacceptable and
are punishable by law. This is because in most cases, the sellers of products have a higher
bargaining power while the buyers are often the weaker parties. The law is therefore very
committed to protecting the weaker parties by ensuring that advertisements are done in the right
manner. In the case of Ronald, there is no doubt that he deserved the damages awarded to him on
the grounds that the company was deceptive in its activities. Organizations should work towards
ensuring that product advertisement follows the requisite ethical standards.

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Running head: LARRY’S RESPONSE 1 Larry’s Response Institution Affiliation Date LARRY’S RESPONSE 2 I cannot agree more with the fact that product advertisement is aimed at luring and persuading buyers to actually purchase certain products. Product advertisement should, however, be done in an ethical manner to avoid exploiting the buyers and to ensures that buyers get the products that are actually represented to them. Misrepresentation has become prevalent in product advertisements (Jeeva, 2017). This is where organizations do not give full information about a product thus inconveniencing a buyer. These deceptive activities are unacceptable and are punishable by law. This is because in most cases, the sellers of products have a higher bargaining power while the buyers are often the weaker parties. The law is therefore very committed to protecting the weaker parties by ensuring ...
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