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M154 Law Ethics And Corporate Governance.edited

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Law, Ethics and Corporate Governance
Institution Affiliation

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Social media platforms have been turned to scenes of crime where criminal activities are
perpetrated in one way or another. In the recent past, many people have been reported to have
met their perpetrators using various social platforms including Facebook. These activities include
invasion of privacy, sexual harassment, and people lured to meet with criminals where they are
physically abused (Newcomb, 2017). This is unacceptable as it defeats the essence of having
these social media platforms in the first place. It is therefore very important for social media
platforms to have a forum where criminal activities are unacceptable. This will ensure that these
platforms are used for the very reason of their establishment.
Facebook’s Role in Rescue a Crime Victim
Facebook is one of largest social media platforms in the world. In my opinion, Facebook
has a great responsibility to rescue a crime victim. This responsibility may not be a legal
responsibility as this kind of responsibility is mostly upon security and criminal agencies. The
ethical responsibility comes about for various reasons including the fact that this platform is a
social platform where people from all walks of life interact in various ways (Newcomb, 2017).
Failing to take up to this responsibility would mean that all kinds of social crimes and criminal
activities would take part extensively. This is why I believe that Facebook should take up this
responsibility to ensure that they rescue victims of crime. Leaving this responsibility to the
relevant authorities when they have been first reported to Facebook’s administration would be
unheard of.
How Social Media Platforms Can Be More Proactive
I believe that social media platforms have a great role to play in making sure that they are
actively involved in content that appears on their sites. To begin with, creating awareness to the

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Running head: LAW, ETHICS AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Law, Ethics and Corporate Governance Institution Affiliation Date 1 LAW, ETHICS AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 2 Introduction Social media platforms have been turned to scenes of crime where criminal activities are perpetrated in one way or another. In the recent past, many people have been reported to have met their perpetrators using various social platforms including Facebook. These activities include invasion of privacy, sexual harassment, and people lured to meet with criminals where they are physically abused (Newcomb, 2017). This is unacceptable as it defeats the essence of having these social media platforms in the first place. It is therefore very important for social media platforms to have a forum where criminal activities are unacceptable. This will ensure that these platforms are used for the very reason of their establishment. Facebook’s Role in Rescue a Crime Victim Facebook is one of largest social media platforms in the world. In my opinion, Facebook has a great responsibility to rescue a crime victim. This responsibility may not be a legal responsibility as this kind of responsibility is mostly upon security and criminal agencies. The ethical responsibility comes about for various reasons including the fact that this platform is a social platform where people from all walks of life interact in various ways (Newcomb, 2017). Failing to take up to this responsibility would mean that all kinds of social crimes ...
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