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History 117 Two Essay Needed Easy

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The modern Europe was the cradle of the current vast civilization evident across the
world. Despite being bypassed by other nations, Europe contributed significantly to civilization
and the transformation that is what the modern generation regards as “modernity.” The growth of
Europe did not happen individually but rather as a holistic event that was equally contributed by
indigenous continents miles away from Europe’s borders. The need to grow and the lack of
enough space and resources meant that Europe needed to find “space” upon which to derive what
it lacked. America provided a vast and fertile land for Europe expansion and the relationship that
developed helped in molding a history that allowed for the development of social and economic
landscape that define the modern America. The differences that emerged between Europe
colonialist and Native Americans helped create a society that was economical, socially, and
politically stable to support the current European and American states.
Role of European Quest for Power on Indigenous North America
The necessity to find a solution to human problems led to innovations that were historical
in conferring humanity longevity and in improving their status in life. This meant that Europeans
were able to withstand natural calamities and live longer than was previously possible. It also
meant that a society that was healthy and comfortable was able to reduce the mortality rate and
hence increase in number. As the numbers grew, so did the need to find a more extensive space
upon which to accommodate and support the rising population. Governments were mandated to
find a solution to the increasing population and the diminishing social space. This led to the need
to find faraway lands to conquer and find resources. It is this need that led Europeans to
America. Power-Greene (2014) argues that Europeans, initially, were searching for lands that

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Running head: HISTORY 1 History Name Institution HISTORY 2 History Introduction The modern Europe was the cradle of the current vast civilization evident across the world. Despite being bypassed by other nations, Europe contributed significantly to civilization and the transformation that is what the modern generation regards as “modernity.” The growth of Europe did not happen individually but rather as a holistic event that was equally contributed by indigenous continents miles away from Europe’s borders. The need to grow and the lack of enough space and resources meant that Europe needed to find “space” upon which to derive what it lacked. America provided a vast and fertile land for Europe expansion and the relationship that developed helped in molding a history that allowed for the development of social and economic landscape that define the modern America. The differences that emerged between Europe colonialist and Native Americans helped create a society that was economical, socially, and politically stable to support the current European and American states. Role of European Quest for Power on Indigenous North America The necessity to find a solution to human problems led to innovations that were historical in conferring humanity longevity and in improving their status in life. This meant that Europeans were able to withstand natural calamities and live longer than was previously possible. It also meant that a society that was healthy and comfortable wa ...
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