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Braxton Bagger Is A Native Of North Caroline.edited.edited

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Braxton Bagger
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Braxton Bagger
Braxton Bragg lived in North Caroline, born in 1917 in a family of six sons of Margaret
and Thomas Crosland Bragg. Many critics state that Bragg was born in jail while his mother was
imprisoned for assassination. Additionally, others say that he was from a poor upbringing. Bragg
joined military academy of United States and later he became a second Lieutenant. Bragg
advanced from west point in 1937 and did his opening duty station in Florida and for his
courageous service throughout his start years; he added three brevet advancements through the
Mexican-American battle hence went to work in the Seminole conflict and the Mexican battle
(1861-1848) He also functioned as a high-ranked general of the Confederate States army. He
pensioned off from the military in 1856 and turned out to be a farmer in Louisiana (Hess, 2016).
General Bragg lastly got his opening star in March; he was to occupy the Baton Rouge
Volunteers in Louisiana. He would contest in extra clashes in Mississippi, South Carolina,
Kentucky, Georgia and Florida. He was in charge of the militia of Tennessee from Mississippi to
Tennessee together with Lt. General Edmund Kirby Smith who managed the invasion of
Kentucky aiming to tempt captain-general, Don Carlos Buell. In the battle of Munfordville 1962
Bragg’s command arrested 4000 union crowds and later he overpowered Buell’s militia. In 1973
Bragg ushered the battle of Murfreesboro, Tennessee called the battle of stones river.1864 he
was sent by the head of state Davis to take up direct command of all defenses there (Brown,
2013). Later Bragg was sent to meet Sherman head on to Augusta, Savannah, and Charleston and
come back. Bragg's Militia had the last downfall during the Scuffle of Chattanooga mission
which was a success and important to the Union army. After being relieved Bragg was
transferred to Virginia as a commander-in-chief and military advisor to the Confederate army.

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1 Running Head: BRAXTON BAGGER Braxton Bagger Student’s Name Institution 2 BRAXTON BAGGER Braxton Bagger Braxton Bragg lived in North Caroline, born in 1917 in a family of six sons of Margaret and Thomas Crosland Bragg. Many critics state that Bragg was born in jail while his mother was imprisoned for assassination. Additionally, others say that he was from a poor upbringing. Bragg joined military academy of United States and later he became a second Lieutenant. Bragg advanced from west point in 1937 and did his opening duty station in Florida and for his courageous service throughout his start years; he added three brevet advancements through the Mexican-American battle hence went to work in the Seminole conflict and the Mexican battle (1861-1848) He also functioned as a high-ranked general of the Confederate States army. He pensioned off from the military in 1856 and turned out to be a farmer in Louisiana (Hess, 2016). General Bragg lastly got his opening star in March; he was to occupy the Baton Rouge Volunteers in Louisiana. He would contest in extra clashes in Mississippi, South Carolina, Kentucky, Georgia and Florida. He was in charge of the militia of Tennessee from Mississippi to Tennessee together with Lt. General Edmund Kirby Smith who managed the invasion of Kentucky aiming to tempt captain-general, Don Carlos Buell. In the battle of Munfordville 1962 Bragg’s command arrested 4000 union crowds and later he overpowered Buell’s militia. In 1973 Bragg ushere ...
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