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Business Law
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Almost every type of business activity falls within at least the indirect influence of a number of
administrative agencies. it is important to study these agencies and their functions. though some
general points should be made. Administrative agencies. regardless of responsibility. acquire
their authority to act from the legislative branch of government. Because they do most of the
day-to-day work of government. they make many significant policy decisions. Administrative
agencies can be divided into two categories: independent regulatory commissions and agencies
that are part of the executive branch of government. In many areas of domestic policy
formulation. Independent agencies exercise more control. although different economic and
political needs have produced administrative agencies exercising vast legislative and adjudicativc
powers that cannot be classified as independent regulatory agencies. Many executive agencies
perform regulatory functions as part of their broader responsibility.

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Almost every type of business activity falls within at least the indirect influence of a number of administrative agencies. it is important to study these agencies and their functions. though some general points should be made. Administrative agencies. regardless of responsibility. acquire their aut ...
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