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Vargas Family Case

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Vargas family case study

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Vargas family case study
From the case study, the two parents have disagreements based on the recent behavior of
Frank. According to the mother, Frank could have the ADHD condition, but the father feels that
Frank is just acting like any other boy in his age. However, the situation is seriously based on the
observations from the meeting. The first step to building an alliance with the family is to have
the two parents understand the impact of having arguments in front of their children (Dallos &
Stedmon, 2009). As a result, I would help them to understand the implications of their conflicts
to their son and ways through which they can work towards making improvements. In this case,
the two parents will have to get enough time to spend with their son and help him in
understanding that some of the things that he does are not acceptable.
In this case, Frank seems to have no patience so that he wants things done in his way.
Therefore, the parents should focus on changing the behavior of their son by showing them love
and affection. The two parents should also have enough time to spend with Frank and his sister
and build one family whose ties make each feel appreciated and accepted despite the weaknesses
that they may have (O'Leary, 2009). On the other hand, I would let Frank's father realize that his
son has a condition that makes him feel that he cannot wait and also gets hurt most of the times.
After taking them through the session, I would let them know that working together as a team
would yield success but separation would lead to more problems.
Some of the family challenges leading to maintenance of the problem include lack of
enough time with children and conclusion that Frank does not have a condition and that he acts
like any other boy of his age. The family seems to lack cooperation and has disagreements that
lead to the growth of the problem. As a result, Frank feels left out and that he can only succeed

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Running head: VARGAS FAMILY CASE STUDY 1 Vargas family case study Name Professor Institution Course Date VARGAS FAMILY CASE STUDY 2 Vargas family case study From the case study, the two parents have disagreements based on the recent behavior of Frank. According to the mother, Frank could have the ADHD condition, but the father feels that Frank is just acting like any other boy in his age. However, the situation is seriously based on the observations from the meeting. The first step to building an alliance with the family is to have the two parents understand the impact of having arguments in front of their children (Dallos & Stedmon, 2009). As a result, I would help them to understand the implications of their conflicts to their son and ways through which they can work towards making improvements. In this case, the two parents will have to get enough time to spend with their son and help him in understanding that some of the things that he does are not acceptable. In this case, Frank seems to have no patience so that he wants things done in his way. Therefore, the parents should focus on changing the behavior of their son by showing them love and affection. The two parents should also have enough time to spend with Frank and his sister and build one family whose ties make each feel appreciated and accepted despite the weaknesses that they may have (O'Leary, 2009). On the other hand, I would let Frank's father realize that his son has a condition that makes him feel that ...
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