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Organizational Behavior Discussion Manager S Influence On Behavior

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Manager influence
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A manager has a lot of influence in nearly all the organizations they head. Having the power to
influence the workers, they can affect the performance of the organization either positively or
negatively. A good manager has a better plan to get the employees engaged to better the
organizations performance and productivity at large. When handling the employees, a manager
must understand the differences in personality of individual employee. Status barriers are some
of the problems that affect the employees in an organization. The difference in ranking makes
other employees be inferior to the others. This affects the organization performance negatively as
the individuals might not be free to work with maximum cooperation. Gender is another flaming
issue that has to be dealt with in organizations. The male is always considered being superior to
the female counterparts. This reduces the performance of the females in relation to the male
(Porter et. al., 2003).
As a manager the solution to the aforementioned problems should include but not limited to the
following: encourage teamwork, provide an environment that is gender sensitive and appreciated
both. For a coherent team of workers, they will have a shared common goal hence put their
personal differences away. The offices with people from different departments should be in an
open office to ensure that the managers interact freely and reduce the difference between them.
When the gender biases are addressed, both will have equal chances and roles. The promotions
and posts should be based on the academic qualifications. This will reduce the differences in
instances where the qualified are supervised by their juniors (Haas et. al., 2012).

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1 Running head: MANAGER INFLUENCE Manager influence Course title Name of student Date MANAGER INFLUENCE 2 A manager has a lot of influence in nearly all the organizations they head. Having the power to influence the workers, they can affect the performance of the organization either positively or negatively. A good manager has a better plan to get the employees engaged to better the organizations performance and productivity at large. When handling the employees, a manager must understand the differences in personality of individual employee. Status barriers are some of the problems that affect the employees in an organization. The difference in ranking makes other employees be inferior to the others. This affects the organization performance negatively as the individuals might not be free to work with maximum cooperation. Gender is another flaming issue that has to be dealt with i ...
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