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Memory Errors

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Memory errors: Imagination inflation
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Imagination inflation is an error in the memory that occurs secondary to assuming and
visualizing an event that it occurred, but in the real sense, it never happened (Neuschatz et
al.,2017). It mostly happens in victims of childhood trauma who undergo therapy for memory
recovery. There are various ways through which the error occurs. First, the error may be due to
increased familiarity to an event. When a person has an intense image of a false occurrence, they
register the memory in the brain and later the brain embers that it the person went through the
event which is false. Secondly, the error could just be due to the confusion of the source. The
brain can store memories of a false event. When the person tries to retrieve the information later,
they can only recall the content but not the source. Therefore, the person attributes the memory
to real life experiences instead of to their sense of imagination.
The Charlotte Johnson lawsuit is an example of a real-life imagination inflation error of
memory(Steven Elbow,2010). Charlotte accuses her parents of sexually abusing her after she had
undergone so e psychiatric therapy. According to her parent, the memories of their daughter were
false, and they accuse the therapist of pushing the victim to develop the memories during
treatment. In Charlotte case, the imagination inflation is mostly due to recovered memory
therapy for some trauma.
To prevent the occurrence of imagination inflation in my life, I will take several
measures. First, is to try not to put pressure on my brain to recall some events. When the brain is
under pressure, there is a possibility of memory mix-up and errors. If I cannot remember
something clearly, I will take my time and let my brain decode information slowly while
comparing the memories with real-life occurrences. Secondly, when stimulating my mind to
remember similar events, for example, events related to trauma, I will prepare myself
psychologically that some of the stimulants are false. Therefore, the stimulant will just be a way

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Running head: IMAGINATION INFLATION Memory errors: Imagination inflation Students name Course name Course code Institution of affiliation Date of submission 1 IMAGINATION INFLATION 2 Imagination inflation is an error in the memory that occurs secondary to assuming and visualizing an event that it occurred, but in the real sense, it never happened (Neuschatz et al.,2017). It mostly happens in victims of childhood trauma who undergo therapy for memory recovery. There are various ways through which the error occurs. First, the error may be due to increased familiarity to an event. When a person has an intense image of a false occurrence, they register the memory in the brain and later the brain embers that it the person went through the event which is false. Secondly, the error could just be due to the confusion of the source. The brain can store memories of a false event. When the pe ...
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