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Job interview questions
1. The following is a job script to study for an entry level position interview after graduating. The
main full details about myself are captured in my resume and cover letter. Right from the previous
experiences and opportunities I have worked as an assistant manager of Taiwan Company. My
skills and attitudes has always been to ensure excellent achievement of an organizational/company
goals and objectives through effective performance and profile building. I have always been
determined to build the image of any working environment am assigned. I have always maintained
optimism and being positive that the attainment of a company’s or any institutional planned
objectives are feasible at the end.
2. My biggest strength is that am a great teamwork builder. I always ensure team working and
networking in any organization nor company I work. Team working ensures identification of more
ways to attain the benefit of the entire job environment. Team working allows each to understand
the strengths and weaknesses of each team member. Team working leads to proficiency of
members by dividing up tasks and be done by the most qualified people. Team working also
ensures helping each other when through with your assigned workload and this I believe is the
most strength I bear.
3. Biggest weakness is lack of enough time to accomplish my set objectives and tasks of the
company. This is because I always find myself past deadlines trying to create new techniques to

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drive the success and competency to the Company. I actually find myself having being absorbed
in my job activities in that I lose conscience of time. Every time am caught u8nwarareb that the
time to leave the office has been exhausted yet is the time I feel I need to align some opportunities
to make the company propel. Due to this weakness I always assign myself more time of work than
any other staff so that I might meet my expectations.
4. I learned about the job opening after following more about this Company. I have for long time
been aware of the achievements, activities and vision of this company. Through my expertise and
zeal to work in this kind of competitive environment through application of my skills and gaining
of more valuable experience I chose to work with your company. Through my follow up of the
company I came to be aware that this position deserves my passion to work here.
5. In five years’ time, I see myself successful person and owning my own international company.
I have this great dream and ambition because one of the critical things I do put under practice in
any company I work is intrapreneur work within the company itself. I strongly believe that making
the workers to take direct responsibility or turning an idea to a profitable finished product through
innovation and assertiveness. This simply means having a staff that is able to innovate insides an
organization or company thus rendering it strongly competitive.
6. My best course in college was management since I felt having the best zeal to manage a company
resources, to manage tasks and pool resources necessary for the success of any organization. From
my desire of aiming to create a competitive environment in any field of my tasks, management
seemed the crucial point to equip with the exact skills on how to differently lead to a success of a

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Surname 1 Student’s name Instructor’s name Course detail Date Job interview questions 1. The following is a job script to study for an entry level position interview after graduating. The main full details about myself are captured in my resume and cover letter. Right from the previous experiences and opportunities I have worked as an assistant manager of Taiwan Company. My skills and attitudes has always been to ensure excellent achievement of an organizational/company goals and objectives through effective performance and profile building. I have always been determined to build the image of any working environment am assigned. I have always maintained optimism and being positive that the attainment of a company’s or any institutional planned objectives are feasible at the end. 2. My biggest strength is that am a great teamwork builder. I always ensure team working and networking in any organization nor company I work. Team working ensures identification of more ways to attain the benefit of the entire job environment. Team working allows each to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each team member. Team working leads to proficiency of members by dividing up tasks an ...
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