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Why iOS is better than Android
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Why iOS is better than Android
My considered topic for the argumentative essay is why iOS is a better operating system
than Android. According to the research I have done, the findings are that most people prefer
using android to iOS. It is clear that many people like android despite its challenges, probably
due to the fact that it entered the market earlier than the iOS, thus occupying a special niche.
However, it is good to know that iOS is a superior operating system compared to Android. The
Android platform is less secure than its iOS counterpart. This is because many malware viruses
are easily written for Android as opposed to iOS.
Personal Example
I have used phones with both operating systems and, therefore, I know their performance.
I decided to continue using the iOS devices mostly because of its security edge. For instance, the
privacy measures of an iPhone, which uses iOS, are very reliable. The ability of the device to
save fingerprints and passcodes have helped me on a number of occasions to protect my data.
While using it, I was able to note that it is programmed to lock up for successfully longer and
longer periods for as long as the password or fingerprint is wrong. If the fingerprint or passcode
is wrong ten times, the phone shuts down forever.
The Three Appeals
I intend to use statistics from various sources indicating how iOS is secure than Android.
The vulnerability and weaknesses of the Android system in its security and privacy features will
be used to back the claim. I will then propose that despite the fact that iOS devices are more
expensive than those running on the android system, users are likely to save a lot if they buy the
former. For expert analysts, I will refer them to the study by Ahmad et al. (2013) titled

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Running head: WHY IOS IS BETTER THAN ANDROID Why iOS is better than Android Student Name University Affiliation 1 WHY IOS IS BETTER THAN ANDROID 2 Why iOS is better than Android Introduction My considered topic for the argumentative essay is why iOS is a better operating system than Android. According to the research I have done, the findings are that most people prefer using android to iOS. It is clear that many people like android despite its challenges, probably due to the fact that it entered the market earlier than the iOS, thus occupying a special niche. However, it is good to know that iOS is a superior operating system compared to Android. The Android platform is less secure than its iOS counterpart. This is because many malware viruses are easily written for Android as opposed to iOS. Personal Example I have used phones with both operating systems and, therefore, I know their performance. I decided to continue using the iOS devices mostly because of its security edge. For instance, the privacy measures of an iPhone, which uses iOS, are very reliable. The ability of the device to save fingerprints and passcodes have helped me on a number of occasions to protect my dat ...
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