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Health Care Case Analysis

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Running head: Health Care Case Analysis 1
Health Care Case Analysis:
Ethical and legal issues involved in the decision making of the termination of life support in a
patient in a condition of permanent unconsciousness.

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Health Care Case Analysis 2
Health Care Case Analysis
The case scenario involves a patient brought to the neurological intensive care unit due to
a cerebrovascular accident leading to permanent brain damage and is put on mechanical
ventilation. However, the patient had signed a living will before the scenario stating that she did
not want life support in case of permeant unconscious condition or a terminal state of health. In
the will the spouse is has the authority for a surrogate decision-making. In the scenario, the
spouse refuses to honor the wishes of the patient and insists that the will was not meant for use in
the particular situation. Furthermore, he is still in denial and states that the spouse is not yet in a
condition of terminal illness. There is a conflict of belief with the couple’s adult children who
believe that their father is wrong and that the patient should be taken off life support. The doctors
decide to give the spouse a period to deal with denial and grief. However, even after the period
of grief, he still refuses to authorize the termination of life support from the patient.
1.Three Legal/Ethical Issues
1. Informed consent
2. Advanced directives
3. Surrogate decision making
2.Discussion of Legal/Ethical Issues
Legal/Ethical Issue 1-Informed Consent
Informed consent is one of the most common legal and ethical issues in healthcare. In
cases of emergency care, the doctors can decide for treatment without the informed consent of
the patient with an assumption of what the patient would prefer (Brock and Mastroianni 2017).

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Running head: Health Care Case Analysis 1 Health Care Case Analysis: Ethical and legal issues involved in the decision making of the termination of life support in a patient in a condition of permanent unconsciousness. Name Health Care Case Analysis 2 Health Care Case Analysis The case scenario involves a patient brought to the neurological intensive care unit due to a cerebrovascular accident leading to permanent brain damage and is put on mechanical ventilation. However, the patient had signed a living will before the scenario stating that she did not want life support in case of permeant unconscious condition or a terminal state of health. In the will the spouse is has the authority for a surrogate decision-making. In the scenario, the spouse refuses to honor the wishes of the patient and insists that the will was not meant for use in the particular situation. Furthermore, he is still in denial and states that the spouse is not yet in a condition of terminal illness. There is a conflict of belief with the couple’s adult children who believe that their father is wrong and that the patient should be taken off life support. The doctors decide to give the spouse a period to deal with denial and grief. However, even after the period of grief, he still refuses to authorize the termination of life support from the patient. 1.Three Legal/Ethical Issues 1. Informed consent 2. Advanced directives 3. Surrogate decision making 2.Discussion of Legal/Ethical Issues Legal/Ethical ...
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