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Poetry Analysis of A Supermarket in California
The narrator of the poem, a supermarket in California was Ginsberg who used the piece
as a form of dialogue with Walt Whitman that was considered his literary role model. In this
narrative poem, the author showed the persona in the opening stanza when he stated that “what
thoughts I have of you tonight Walt Whitman, for I walked down the side streets under the trees
with a headache self-conscious looking at the full moon” (Ginsberg 1). Although Ginsberg
referred to Garcia Lorca in the poem as well, the main ideas reflected those of his idol than the
ones held by the influential Spanish poet.
Ginsberg used this poem to continue some of the thematic approaches used by his idol to
illustrate a social order that permits total self-expression and formation of natural identity. He
focused the stylistic elements of this literary work on the examination of the consequences of
industrialization that has altered nature and mode of living of the people. The stanzas of a
supermarket in California were characterized with the portrayal of domestic lifestyles that were
turned to the consumption of a different kind of food. An additional perspective that the author
illustrated in the poem was the need to provide answers to some of the socioeconomic questions

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that Whitman raised in most of his works. For example, his visit to the supermarket was meant to
experience the natural beauty of the products and not the peaches and penumbras that were
purchased by the whole families shopping at night” (Ginsberg 1).
Sarcasm was the tone used by the author to allude to his disappointment about the word
he lived, as well as depending on the ability of the audience to use their previous knowledge of a
variety of subjects to understand the content of the poem. The image and objects that the author
described in the supermarket were symbolic of his lack of faith in the effect of corporate
Diction & Structure
As a noted earlier, the author depended on the use of allusion and apostrophe as the
literary devices to show the kind of conversation he had with someone that was absent. This
method defined the structure of the poem and diction to create a theme that was consistent with
the negative consequences of industrialization. In this regard, he was not concerned about the
organization of the narration or how the lines reflected the rhymes and verses of the different
stanzas. An example of the varying lengths of the lines in this poem was when Ginsberg
described his feeling to Whitman as “hungry fatigue and shopping for images in the neon fruit
supermarket as he dreamt of his enumerations!” (Ginsberg 1).
In conclusion, Ginsberg used the examples of connotation in the description of most of his
experiences to show how the world he lived in was not different from the ones that his mentor
tried to change with his poems. I wandered in and out of the brilliant stacks of cans following

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Surname 1 Name Professor Course Date Poetry Analysis of A Supermarket in California Persona The narrator of the poem, a supermarket in California was Ginsberg who used the piece as a form of dialogue with Walt Whitman that was considered his literary role model. In this narrative poem, the author showed the persona in the opening stanza when he stated that “what thoughts I have of you tonight Walt Whitman, for I walked down the side streets under the trees with a headache self-conscious looking at the full moon” (Ginsberg 1). Although Ginsberg referred to Garcia Lorca in the poem as well, the main ideas reflected those of his idol than the ones held by the influential Spanish poet. Theme Ginsberg used this poem to continue some of the thematic approaches used by his idol to illustrate a social order that permits total self-expression and formation of natural identity. He focused the stylistic elements of this literary work on the examination of the consequences of industrialization that has altered nature and mode of living of the people. The stanzas of a supermarket in California were characterized with the portrayal of domestic lifestyles that were turned to the consumption o ...
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