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Online Surveys

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The use of mobile methods and online technologies for online surveys has skyrocketed
over the past decade. The numerous technological advances have made it easier and possible to
conduct market research to obtain relevant data. However, these methods have several
drawbacks in comparison to traditional mechanisms such as persona interviewing, telephone and
The advantages of online surveys include: ease of data gathering, low costs and low
overhead particularly during data collection, less time since and shorter return times, increase in
response rates, and no interviewer thus people are more willing to share personal information.
Besides, online surveys are more convenient for respondents since they can answer questions at
their own time and in their own pace, (Van Selm, 2016). Flexibility is another advantage since
the research questions can be programmed based on ease to complexity. The disadvantages of
online research include no interviewer thus lack of clarification on certain matters, survey fraud,
possible cooperation problems, inability to reach challenging population, limited respondent
availability and limited sampling, (Ilieva, 2012).
When choosing an online survey tool, several key features must be considered. These
include the comprehensiveness of the question types and design features, integration with the
transactional system, respondent friendliness, ease of use, the needs of the survey, and the costs
involved. When choosing the participants, consider the objectives of the research, the population
size, the confidence level and the level of accuracy, (Van Selm, 2016). In ensuring quality
assurance and informed consent, ensure that the participants freely volunteer and freely provide
informed consent. Also, ensure that the participants are well-informed regarding what the
research is all about, the level of confidentiality maintained, and how the survey is performed,
(Ilieva, 2012). They should also be aware of the right to non-participation and to negotiating

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informed consent. When evaluating validity and reliability, some of the factors to consider
include the relationship to other variables, the response process, the content and the
Various factors will affect the order of implementing qualitative and quantitative aspects
of the study. These include the theory that guides the design, types of data, the weight given to
the qualitative and quantitative data, the priority of the quantitative and qualitative method, and
the order of questions, (Creswell, 2013). The extent to which qualitative and quantitative
methods are used depends on the depth and details required as well as the numbers required to
meet the full implications and point of the research. Quantitative research is dependent on
numbers to validate the hypothesis and apply statistical analysis, (Johnson, 2014). Qualitative
research is dependent on depth and details to discover opportunities and problems in the
Determining whether the two types of data will be combined or mixed depends on
whether the researcher needs to use one method to inform the other, wants to build, clarify and
elaborate findings from other methods, wants to corroborate or validate the results obtained from
other methods, wants to continuously look at a research question from different perspectives, and
wants to generalize findings, (Creswell, 2013). In determining and applying a theory guiding the
design of your study conceptualize the nature of the research problem, the analysis selected to
investigate the problem, and the basis of research. These will help clarify an implicit theory, how
you interpret data and make sense of it. Also, consider alternative theories that may change your

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RESEARCH METHODS 1 The use of mobile methods and online technologies for online surveys has skyrocketed over the past decade. The numerous technological advances have made it easier and possible to conduct market research to obtain relevant data. However, these methods have several drawbacks in comparison to traditional mechanisms such as persona interviewing, telephone and email. The advantages of online surveys include: ease of data gathering, low costs and low overhead particularly during data collection, less time since and shorter return times, increase in response rates, and no interviewer thus people are more willing to share personal information. Besides, online surveys are more convenient for respondents since they can answer questions at their own time and in their own pace, (Van Selm, 2016). Flexibility is another advantage since the research questions can be programmed base ...
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