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Quasi Experiment

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A quasi-experimental approach is most applicable in cases where it is not possible to
randomize groups or individuals to control and treatment groups. These methods involve the
creation of comparison groups and assignment to conditions is by self-selection means or
administrator selection, (Kenny, 2015). Besides, the approach is applicable for empirical studies
that are intended to estimate the causal impact of a particular assessment on a specific target
population without random assignment to control or treatment. Besides, this approach can be
used retrospectively. That is, once the intervention has taken place (especially those that are
spread over a longer duration) quasi-experimental designs can be applied to estimate the impact
and collect baseline data before the participant is exposed to policy and programme activities,
(Kenny, 2015).
The features of quasi-experiment designs include the selection of groups for testing the
variable through administrator or self-selection means and most importantly the lack of random
assignment and random pre-selection processes. The researcher controls treatment and
assignment. Besides, variables are subject to internal validity since control and treatment groups
are not always comparable at baseline.
Action research relates to research directed at progressive problem solving or the solving
of an immediate problem through application of a reflective process. In psychology, it is
performed as part of community practice with the intention of solving problems and improving
how people address issues while at the same time maintaining guidelines for best practice,
(Smith, 2015). This research involves freely participating in research to change a situation,

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improve practices and strategies as well as increase knowledge of environments where the
practice is conducted.
In psychology, action research involves participating in research to propose the most
effective course of action that may benefit and improve the community through fact-finding,
(BrydonMiller, 2017). Besides, it involves conducting field and experiments with the intention
of bringing about various forms of research that lead to social action. In this field, action research
focuses more on characterizing the objectives of the research, diagnosing specific situations and
identifying the general laws, local conditions and how these shape the outcome of the research
and intervention.

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RESEARCH METHODS 1 Q1. A quasi-experimental approach is most applicable in cases where it is not possible to randomize groups or individuals to control and treatment groups. These methods involve the creation of comparison groups and assignment to conditions is by self-selection means or administrator selection, (Kenny, 2015). Besides, the approach is applicable for empirical studies that are intended to estimate the causal impact of a particular assessment on a specific target population without random assignment to control or treatment. Besides, this approach can be used retrospectively. That is, once the intervention has taken place (especially those that are spread over a longer duration) quasi-experimental designs can be applied to estimate the impact and collect baseline data before the participant is exposed to policy and programme activities, (Kenny, 2015). The features of quas ...
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