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Judicial Activism

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Judicial activism
Coutinho et al (2015), defines judicial activism as the concept of delivering a court ruling by
personal ideas or opinions with disregard to the existing laws. The concept has a close
correlation to power separation, statutory construction, and constitutional interpretation.
Reasons for critic of activist judges
Critics argue that “judicial activism,” is simply a way of avoiding the passing of the right
and legal decision(Dickson,2010). The judge has no legal evidence for the ruling passed.
Therefore, the decision does not take into consideration the good of the people. Although most of
the cases in question lack a clear constitutional answer, sometimes the judges avoid the rule of
law to avoid confrontations. There are cases when the ruling is purely for the good of the
involved parties, but it does not give the judge a right to disobey the constitution. An example is
the Roe V. Wade ruling. In the case, the Supreme Court overlooked the Texas law that stated
abortion was a crime. However, the supreme court acknowledges the right to abortion as a
privacy right. In the case, it looks like the judges were giving a personal opinion of the issue at
hand instead of sticking to the interpretation of the law. The inclusion of a medical opinion was
not part of the Texas law, and therefore the judges overstretched the meaning of the policy in the
A lot of judicial activism is seen in the child custody cases (Coutinho et al.,2015). There
are situations where the judge makes the ruling for the good of the child and ignores the actual
law. For example, the mother has full custody until the child is above eighteen years of age but
some judges give the fathers more time with the child as long as it is of benefit.

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Surname 1 Students name Course name Course code Institution of affiliation Date of submission Surname 2 Judicial activism Definition Coutinho et al (2015), defines judicial activism as the concept of delivering a court ruling by personal ideas or opinions with disregard to the existing laws. The concept has a close correlation to power separation, statutory construction, and constitutional interpretation. Reasons for critic of activist judges Critics argue that “judicial activism,” is simply a way of avoiding the passing of the right and legal decision(Dickson,2010). The judge has no legal evidence for the ruling passed. Therefore, the decision does not take into consideration the good of the people. Although most of the cases in question lack a clear constitutional answer, sometimes the judges avoid the rule of law to avoid confrontations. There are cases when the ruling is purely for the good of the involved parties, but it does not give the judge a right to disobey the constitution. An example is the Roe V. Wade ruling. In the case, the Supreme Court overlooked the Texas law that stated abortion was a crime. However, the supreme court acknowledges the right to abortion as ...
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