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Individual Creativity Aspects

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Running Head: Individual Creativity Aspects
Individual Creativity Aspects
Student’s name:
Professor’s name:
Course title:
October 2017

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Running Head: Individual Creativity Aspects
During the process of recruitment opportunities are presented in the company to hire individuals
with new energy and offer new growth to the opportunities by bringing diversity in the company
and the departments. Planning and evaluating the recruits properly enables the company to hire
the proper individuals for fit for all departments, the company and people who will embrace the
company culture. For an employee to design products in a company conceptualization of
organizational culture is of paramount value. In addition the individual should have a minimum
of certain values and characteristics; they should have internal motivation and drive, be
innovative and be critical thinkers and not belittling the importance of creative thinking.
It is of importance to remember that skills and competency are valued by most companies over
experience and papers especially in the contemporary world of hiring. In addition the companies
will choose individuals with internal motivation over people who have to be pushed over and
over to finalize a particular act. The willingness to go overboard, have self-confidence and belief
in ones abilities does not disregard the importance of teamwork in any organization, however it
is key to have all combine to increase efficiency and effectiveness of the company especially in
designing products that will be released to the market. Flexibility and the ability to work under
pressure is another important aspect of new recruits (Christensen, 2015). Considering these
aspects and the explanation above, choosing the right employee for the right department is
paramount to success of the company. Screening and identifying the applicants and recruits will
help solve the quest of innovation needed in the company and therefore effective communication
between departments will help identify the best option. (Grigoryev2006).

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Running Head: Individual Creativity Aspects Individual Creativity Aspects Student’s name: Professor’s name: Course title: 12th October 2017 1 Running Head: Individual Creativity Aspects Introduction During the process of recruitment opportunities are presented in the company to hire individuals with new energy and offer new growth to the opportunities by bringing diversity in the company and the departments. Planning and evaluating the recruits properly enables the company to hire the proper individuals for fit for all departments, the company and people who will embrace the company culture. For an employee to design products in a company conceptualization of organizational culture is of paramount value. In addition the individual should have a minimum of certain values and characteristics; they should have internal motivation and drive, be innovative and be critical thinkers and not belittling the importance of creative thinking. (Grigoryev2006). It is of importance to remember that skills and competency are valued by most companies over experience and papers especially in the contemporary world of hiring. In addition the companies will choose individuals with internal motivation over people who have to be pushed over and over to finalize a particular act. The willingness to go overboard, have self-confidence and belief in ones abilities does not disregard the importance of teamwork in any organization, however it is key to have all combine to increase efficiency ...
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