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Math Question

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The first step to know the correct answer is to know your static values. Those that can't change. In
this case the photographer will always charge $1000 for her preparation, and charge $2 for any
picture after 60.
Second, identify the meaning of those letter in the answers. Photos = P, and C= total cost
The first possible answer tells you that C = 1000 p + 2 This means that the total cost will be 1000
multiply by the number of photos, but that is like each photo will cost 1000 (quite expensive don't
you think?) and then add two dollars. INCORRECT because that is really mess up, and the first 60
pictures are free.
b. C = 1000(2p 60) This one tells you almost the same as the previous answer, but at least they
are giving you the 60 pictures for free. INCORRECT
c. C = 1000 + 2(p 60) Here they are telling you that from all the pictures they will discount you 60
(p 60). Then they multiply that total by 2. Like the exercise says. Than they add the $1000 that
the photographer always charges.
I hope this help you, and if you need more help on this exercise please let me know

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The first step to know the correct answer is to know your static values. Those that can't change. In this case the photographer will always charge $1000 for her preparation, and charge $2 for any picture after 60. Second, identify the meaning of those letter in the answers. Photos = P, and C= total ...
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