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Writing Paper Bgmt 409

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Organizational Theory and Behavior

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Organizational Theory and Behavior
Organizations may be operating in the same industry and offering the same products, but
they may differ in the way they operate. One of the areas keys in which they are likely to differ is
on internal running business since different organizations have different organizational
structures, culture, corporate decision making as well as have the different composition of people
which influence their behavior. This paper seeks to give a broader insight to the concept of
organizational behavior which seeks to examine how people behave and interact within an
organization, by examining the Toyota Motor Corporation Inc. which is a multinational
company. This paper will have four main sections, where the first section will give an overview
of the organization and describe the relationship that I have with the company. The second part
will discuss key issues identified by the company and could affect their performance. The third
part will highlight the great things that were found about the company, and the last part will
provide recommendations to the CEO on how to improve the business.
Overview of the Company and Relationship
Toyota is a Japanese multinational company that operates in the automotive industry, and
it has its headquarters in Toyota, Japan (Chart, Industry & Industry, 2000). The company is the
world largest manufacturer of the vehicles, and it produces over 10 million vehicles per year
since 2012, and for the year ended 2016, the company was the ninth largest corporation in the
world in terms of revenues. The company has subsidiaries in different countries for instance in
the USA, where they have their headquarters in Plano and other offices in Torrance, Washington,
Ann Arbor, among other towns and countries across the world (TOYOTA & Guide, 2001). By

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Running head: ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY AND BEHAVIOR Organizational Theory and Behavior Name Institution 1 ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY AND BEHAVIOR 2 Organizational Theory and Behavior Organizations may be operating in the same industry and offering the same products, but they may differ in the way they operate. One of the areas keys in which they are likely to differ is on internal running business since different organizations have different organizational structures, culture, corporate decision making as well as have the different composition of people which influence their behavior. This paper seeks to give a broader insight to the concept of organizational behavior which seeks to examine how people behave and interact within an organization, by examining the Toyota Motor Corporation Inc. which is a multinational company. This paper will have four main sections, where the first section will give an overview of the organization and describe the relationship that I have with the company. The second part will discuss key issues identified by the company and could affect their performance. The third part will highlight the great things that were found about the company, and the last part will provide recommendations to the CEO on how to improve the business. Overview of the Company and Relationship Toyota is a Japanese multinational company that operates in the automotive industry, and it has its headquarters in Toyota, Japan (Chart, Industry & Industry, 2000). The company is the ...
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