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Emotional Apeals In The Advert

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Rhetoric Appeals in the Ad
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In developing a rhetorical appeal ad, it is essential to consider the aspect of the pathos,
ethos and logos and how they will appeal to the target audience. In this regard, my rhetoric
advert employed the aspect of pathos and ethos in appealing to my target audience. Because the
rhetorical advert is a demand-driven, I created it through the integration of customer emotions
and feelings. It is imperative to understand that the advert targets a diverse audience and this
means the aspect of appeal must be diverse in its application to drive demand and focus more on
generating need within the mind of the customer.
In creating the ad, I centralized on the feeling of the child especially when denied the
chance to go to a place because of an issue that can be prevented. In reality, the cost of gas
denies many of us an opportunity to carry out or visit a place that living without may be hard to
some extent. We all value our families especially our children. The feeling of being with the
family is one of the greatest feelings that one can ever have. But imagine failing to be with your
family because of lack of fuel to drive you home! This is maybe quite worrisome to others! Now
imagine a car that can save you the cost of buying fuel due to their fuel efficiency nature! How
nice could this idea be? I know we all love our families and getting a car that can make us see
our families every day every time without the worry of the cost of fuel is the noblest idea.
When you look at the ad, you will surely feel the sense that you need have time to spend
with your family. The ad features a young girl, the age of that your lovely daughter whom you
cannot spend a day without in your life. Now imagine failing to be with this your daughter
because of the lack of fuel to drive you home to be with her! In creating this ad, I employed the
use of pathos by evoking a feeling of sadness to the audience. By looking at the ad, the emotions
of the audience are evoked by the sadness of this young girl that is craving and sad of being
alone without that person whom he loved the most probably the mother or the father.

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Running Head: RHETORIC APPEALS IN THE AD Rhetoric Appeals in the Ad Name Instructor Institutional Affiliation Date 1 RHETORIC APPEALS IN THE AD 2 In developing a rhetorical appeal ad, it is essential to consider the aspect of the pathos, ethos and logos and how they will appeal to the target audience. In this regard, my rhetoric advert employed the aspect of pathos and ethos in appealing to my target audience. Because the rhetorical advert is a demand-driven, I created it through the integration of customer emotions and feelings. It is imperative to understand that the advert targets a diverse audience and this means the aspect of appeal must be diverse in its application to drive demand and focus more on generating need within the mind of the customer. In creating the ad, I centralized on the feeling of the child especially when denied the chance to go to a place because of an issue that can be prevented. In reality, the cost of gas denies many of us an opportunity to carry out or visit a place that living without may be hard to some extent. We all value our families especially our children. The feeling of being with the family is one of the greatest feelings that one can ev ...
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