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Healthcare And Gun Violence

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Healthcare and Gun Violence

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Mass shootings of gun violence have become prevalent over the last decade and are
becoming a concern regarding health to the innocent individuals who are being killed or
seriously hurt by such massacres. According to the healthcare acknowledgment article by Kaiser
News relates to the violence of mass shootings occurring that have occurred in Las Vegas (KHN,
2017). The American College of Physicians has issued a ban on any types of semi or automatic
weapons due to this shooting episode. The article also explains that due to the slackness of the
U.S. policies regarding how they are addressing how gun violence happens and is occurring is
causing a great deal of concern for healthcare officials. This is because of how high rates are
increasing from such gun violence with deaths and injuries being caused to innocent people and
having to enter into the healthcare facilities to take care of. If there were stricter rules and
policies on how one can own or obtain a gun, such violence would decrease, and this would no
longer be such an issue for healthcare officials (KHN, 2017).
With mass shootings on the rise equaling nearly to some car accidents every year, it is
becoming a central issue as far as healthcare is concerned. Not many individuals are covered by
insurance, and those who do have insurance still have to pay premiums in which some default on
due to their job availabilities and struggling (Geoffro, A. P., 2016). With the epidemic of mass
shootings occurring more often, this not only costs substantial funds throughout the healthcare
system but also costs taxpayers their hard-earned money. Millions of dollars are being spent
caring for patients who have been involved such incidents of mass shootings and the societal
costs are at large through disability, unemployment, and with the indirect costs that are
associated with gun violence.
Extensively, 73% of the $669 million in costs came to fruition on account of shot losses
which were either uninsured or on open insurance like Medicaid. That infers, for the most part,

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Running head: HEALTHCARE AND GUN VIOLENCE Healthcare and Gun Violence Instructor Class Date Name 1 HEALTHCARE AND GUN VIOLENCE 2 Mass shootings of gun violence have become prevalent over the last decade and are becoming a concern regarding health to the innocent individuals who are being killed or seriously hurt by such massacres. According to the healthcare acknowledgment article by Kaiser News relates to the violence of mass shootings occurring that have occurred in Las Vegas (KHN, 2017). The American College of Physicians has issued a ban on any types of semi or automatic weapons due to this shooting episode. The article also explains that due to the slackness of the U.S. policies regarding how they are addressing how gun violence happens and is occurring is causing a great deal of concern for healthcare officials. This is because of how high rates are increasing from such gun violence with deaths and injuries being caused to innocent people and having to enter into the healthcare facilities to take care of. If there were stricter rules and policies on how one can own or obtain a gun, such violence would decrease, and this would no longer be such an issue for healthcare officials (KHN, 2017). With mass shootings on the rise equaling nearly to some car accidents every year, it is becoming a central issue as far as healthcare is concerned. Not many individuals are covered by insurance, and those who do have insurance still have to pay premiums in which some default on ...
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