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Media Manipulation
October 2017

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Media Manipulation
Media manipulation
The media comes in different types and all these types of media have a manipulative
effect on the entire society as a whole regardless of age, gender or race. The media manipulates
us into changing aspects of lifestyle such as diet, dressing and engaging in physical activities.
This explains why even in the developing countries, many people are adapting more westernized
diets as a result of the media manipulating their perception on food. The media also changes our
ideologies in matters such as political matters. The media can manipulate you into changing your
position on a certain political party and offer your support to the other party as a result of the
influence and manipulative effect of the media.
When people have more options on the choice of media, I believe that there would be an
increased intensity on the extent to which the type of media chosen manipulates people to think
in a certain way. This is because; people usually choose the kind of media that supports their
thinking and ideologies since as human beings we are not welcoming to views that are
contradictory to our own. (Hardy, Foster &Postigo 2015) As a result, no matter how wrong the
given perception or line of thinking is, the media is going to use it to ensure that people chose it.
As a result there would be increased negative influence of the media on different aspects of life
among people.
The media we consume has a controlling effect on us. This is because, we consume it as
it sis without questioning it. This explains why media marketers have to study current trends in
the market and design the media in a way that is parallel with current trends. This shows that the
media comes in a form that is already appealing and acceptable to us. As a result, it has a
controlling effect on us and we do not have that on it because it is readily acceptable to us.

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1 Media Manipulation Name Course Professor 13th October 2017 2 Media Manipulation Media manipulation The media comes in different types and all these types of media have a manipulative effect on the entire society as a whole regardless of age, gender or race. The media manipulates us into changing aspects of lifestyle such as diet, dressing and engaging in physical activities. This explains why even in the developing countries, many people are adapting more westernized diets as a result of the media manipulating their perception on food. The media also changes our ideologies in matters such as political matters. The media can manipulate you into changing your position on a certain political party and offer your support to the other party as a result of the influence and manipulative effect of the media. When people have more options on the choice of media, I believe that there would ...
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