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Antibiotic Therapy

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Antibiotic Therapy
Institution Affiliation

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The moment a patient visits a health facility, they may not have the necessary knowledge
of the issue affected them. A doctor, therefore, is put in place to help diagnose the kind of illness
or infections that relate to a certain condition. They need to use the necessary equipment to
understand the kind of issues as well as define the way forward to handle the identified
situations. The infection in the ear and the throat causes great pain in both children and the
adults. Doctors can use a different kind of treatments including the use of antibiotic therapy to
reduce or treat the infections. Arguably, the most severe infections result in treatment with the
antibiotics depending on the ages and the severity of the infections as portrayed by the
In the first phase of treatment after the diagnosis, the doctors will always set time to
observe the symptoms. With a period of two days, it will be clear to understand whether the
pains are severe or not. This suggests the use of antibiotics treatment to reduce the encroachment
by the specified infections. At this period doctors will always use the warm compress and pain
medications to reduce the severity of the pain.
However, after the observation the antibiotic therapy for severe cases is inevitable. For
the acute pains, the doctors the age of the patient together with the truth of the diagnosis led to
the use of antibiotic for the pains. With the time given, it will be possible to deduce whether the
illness is severe or not. The antibiotic is recommended on the severity.
The prescription on this kind of therapy includes a high dosage of amoxicillin between
for non-severe cases diagnosed. However, the therapy may fail and therefore resort to
amoxicillin/clavulanate of 80-90mg per kg per day. However, it is also to consider whether the
patients are allergic or not when establishing the in the kind of therapy to be given.

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Running Head: ANTIBIOTIC THERAPY 1 Antibiotic Therapy Institution Affiliation Date: ANTIBIOTIC THERAPY 2 The moment a patient visits a health facility, they may not have the necessary knowledge of the issue affected them. A doctor, therefore, is put in place to help diagnose the kind of illness or infections that relate to a certain condition. They need to use the necessary equipment to understand the kind of issues as well as define the way forward to handle the identified situations. The infection in the ear and the throat causes great pain in both children and the adults. Doctors can use a different kind of treatments including the use of antibiotic therapy to reduce or treat the infections. Arguably, the most severe infections result in treatment with the antibiotics depending on the ages and the severity of the infections as portrayed by the symptoms. In the first phase of treatment after the diagnosis, the doctors will always set time to observe the symptoms. With a period of two days, it will be clear to understand whether the pains are severe or not. This suggests the use of antibiotics treatment to reduce the encroachment by the specified infections. At this period d ...
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