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Enterprise Networking

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Enterprise Networking
Institutional Affiliate

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One problem is old user interfaces or user experiences. In the past, technologies being
used in companies did not usually possess top of the line user interfaces or user experiences. In
large organizations, processes and products are complicated thus making the software serving
them frequently becoming troublesome (Molina, 2007).
As technology continues to advance, companies are stressing on user experience, but the
problem is how to get it right. Finding a balance between the role of enterprise technology and to
interact them with users is still a problem. Organizations should create products that companies
can use. The software needs to be sophisticated enough to be able to solve problems efficiently
though simple enough so that users can be able to use it comfortably (Khajeh-Hosseini, 2010).
Another problem is using both cloud and on-premises services. Due to high competition,
enterprise-tech companies have seen the need to have cloud options together with old, on-
premise ones. Most companies use cloud technology due to its growth in popularity even though
they still want on-premises solutions since when compared to cloud-stored data they are less
vulnerable (Molina, 2007).
These are some of the trends in enterprise networking. WAN redesigning. Many
companies are having their applications moved to cloud technology, and this will have them
make necessary changes to their WAN architecture. Previous times, companies use to store data
in their own data centers, but this seems to be changing with time. Points-of-presence in co-lo
facilities is replacing these data centers. This means that there is no need to return cloud-destined
information to the data center then afterward to the internet (Khajeh-Hosseini, 2010).
Another trend is the coming of NFV. Virtualization is spreading fast among companies
and with good reason. We are seeing Network Functions Virtualization distributing from the

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Running Header: ENTERPRISE NETWORKING Enterprise Networking Institutional Affiliate Date 1 ENTERPRISE NETWORKING 2 One problem is old user interfaces or user experiences. In the past, technologies being used in companies did not usually possess top of the line user interfaces or user experiences. In large organizations, processes and products are complicated thus making the software serving them frequently becoming troublesome (Molina, 2007). As technology continues to advance, companies are stressing on user experience, but the problem is how to get it right. Finding a balance between the role of enterprise technology and to interact them with users is still a problem. Organizations should create products that companies can use. The software needs to be sophisticated enough to be able to solve problems efficiently though simple enough so that users can be able to use it comfortably (Khajeh-Hosseini, 2010). Another problem is using both cloud and on-premises services. Due to high competition, enterprise-tech companies have seen the need to have cloud options together with old, onpremise ones. Most companies use cloud technology due to its growth in popularity even though they ...
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