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Their Eyes Watching God

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Their Eyes Were Watching God
In the novel, Joe is portrayed as a static character Contrary to Janie who is a dynamic
character. Jody is a static character because he does everything to become rich, monetarily but
still but goes on to objectifies Janie and thus leading to a deterioration of their marriage. Janie is
a dynamic character because she goes against all odds that come with color categorization.
Correspondingly, dynamism comes up as one of her characteristics because she defies gender
stereotypes by emphasizing on her independence. Additionally, dynamism comes as a result of
her confidence and curiosity that push her to explore what the world presents the world. Janie
and Jody contrast in their characteristics in that one, Janie, pushes the boundaries to become who
she is and the other one, Jody, does everything but crashes it all in the end. In conclusion joe and
Janie portray characteristic trait which are which is completely opposite of each other.
Primarily, symbolism is an essential aspect in literal works because it reveals to the
reader qualities and ideas that are far beyond the symbol’s literal sense. It is used to convey a
deeper meaning. Neale Hurston makes use of the symbols; pear tree and bees to give some
particular revelations about Janie. The pear tree has been used to symbolize Janie’s ideas about
nature. Furthermore, the interaction of the bees with the flowers of the pear tree symbolizes an
ideal relationship where passion does not lead to possession but to a seamless union of people,

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“He could be a bee to a blossom- a pear tree blossom in the spring….” (Hurston 106). The pear
tree and the bees are among the evident symbols in the novel that are charged with sexuality and
revolve around relationships.

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Student Name: Course Professor Date Their Eyes Were Watching God In the novel, Joe is portrayed as a static character Contrary to Janie who is a dynamic character. Jody is a static character because he does everything to become rich, monetarily but still but goes on to objectifies Janie and thus leading to a deterioration of their marriage. Janie is a dynamic character because she goes against all odds that come with color categorization. Correspondingly, dynamism comes up as one of her characteristics because she defies gender stereotypes by emphasizing on her independence. Additionally, dynamism comes as a result of her confidence and curiosity that push her to explore what the world presents the world. Janie and Jody contrast in their characteristics in that one, Janie, pushes the boundaries to become who she is and the other one, Jody, does everything but crashes it all in the end. I ...
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