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Analyzing two different dancing styles

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Analyzing two different dancing styles
Dancing has been part of human culture throughout human history. While the purpose
and style of dance can be varying from one culture to the other, the importance of dancing
however remain the same irrespective of cultural background of the dancer. Dancing helps in
connecting the mind and body hence promoting emotional and mental balance of an individual.
Watching someone dancing is also another form of leisure. Lartrina de Toilette and Jrive dancing
styles seem to be completely different based on how the dancers moved their body when
dancing, their response to the flow of the music, and the vigor or energy that each individual
dancer shows when performing the dance but on critical analysis these two dancing styles
appeared to be almost the similar.
Analysis of how a dancer moves her/her body when dancing and the manner in which
these moves are in consistent with the beats and mood of the song being played helps the
audience to understand perfectly the kind of theme being put across by the dancer. When I first
watched the two videos on the two different dancing styles (Jrive dance and Latrina de Toilette)
used by the characters in the videos, I was of the opinion that these dances were very different
since the dancers pace used by the dancers in each video were completely different. The first
difference that I was able to identify in these two videos was the manner in which how the
dancers in both Jrive and Latrina dancing styles used their energy and time. While Jrive dance
was incredibly smooth and consistently slow with each dancers taking some time before showing
their next move, Latrina dance was however faster with the dancers showing how energetic they
are. In Jrive dance, there was a lot of variance as the dancer in this video kept alternating
continuously with their pulse in their body changing from sharp to soft. On the other hand,

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Running head; DANCING 1 Analyzing two different dancing styles Name Institution DANCING 2 Analyzing two different dancing styles Dancing has been part of human culture throughout human history. While the purpose and style of dance can be varying from one culture to the other, the importance of dancing however remain the same irrespective of cultural background of the dancer. Dancing helps in connecting the mind and body hence promoting emotional and mental balance of an individual. Watching someone dancing is also another form of leisure. Lartrina de Toilette and Jrive dancing styles seem to be completely different based on how the dancers moved their body when dancing, their response to the flow of the music, and the vigor or energy that each individual dancer shows when performing the dance but on critical analysis these two dancing styles appeared to be almost the similar. Analysis of how a dancer moves her/her body when dancing and the manner in which these moves are in consistent with the beats and mood of the song being played helps the audience to understand perfectly the kind of theme being put across by the dancer. When I first watched the two videos on the two diffe ...
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