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Jainism and Work Ethics
October 2017

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Jainism and Work Ethics
Jainism and Work Ethics
Jainism is a religion that originated from India. This religion emphasizes the belief in
karma in reincarnation. The karma in this religion is not imposed by gods but as a result of the
score card of the deeds done by a person. This means that good happens to those who do good
and vice versa. Another belief in this religion is that women should play an equal role in working
towards liberation. However, some sects of this religion believe that in order for a woman to
achieve liberation, she must be reborn as a man first. Women are also classified as second class
citizens. This is because the road to liberation includes nakedness and if women stripped naked,
they would arouse the sexual desire of men hence sabotaging their journey to liberation. As a
result, women are denied this right to strip naked hence they cannot achieve liberation.
Jainism puts emphasis on truth of reality, karma and non-violence. This means that in this
case, Jennifer should see the truth of the reality in the situation. She should not engage in an
exchange of words since her religion states that truth cannot be fully expressed in words. She
should also not act violently after being denied permission to have devotion with other
employees. She should instead keep her calm and await karma to take its course on the boss if
indeed his actions were not good. However, I believe that the boss was right to deny her
permission to hold devotion with all employees because people practice different religions and
religion is quite a sensitive and personal matter that would cause discord in the workplace.
I believe that the right course of action would be to explain to Jennifer why she cannot
hold devotion with other employees. She should also be reminded of work ethics whereby time
for work should not be used for personal activities. She should be allowed to carry out her

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1 Jainism and Work Ethics Name Course Professor 13th October 2017 2 Jainism and Work Ethics Jainism and Work Ethics Jainism is a religion that originated from India. This religion emphasizes the belief in karma in reincarnation. The karma in this religion is not imposed by gods but as a result of the score card of the deeds done by a person. This means that good happens to those who do good and vice versa. Another belief in this religion is that women should play an equal role in working towards liberation. However, some sects of this religion believe that in order for a woman to achieve liberation, she must be reborn as a man first. Women are also classified as second class citizens. This is because the road to liberation includes nakedness and if women stripped naked, they would arouse the sexual desire of men hence sabotaging their journey to liberation. As a result, women are denied this right to strip naked hence they cannot achieve liberation. Jainism puts emphasis on truth of reality, karma and non-violence. This means that in this case, Jennifer should see the truth of the reality in the situation. She should not engage in an exchange of words since her religion states th ...
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