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Importance Of Quality

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Importance of Quality
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In the contemporary society, quality is the significant component in every organization. It
is also likely to remain an essential part of the continuous quest for improving the performance
of organizations across the globe (Evans and Lindsay, 2013). Countries such as the US and
China are recognized for their global economic power. These nations have extended their
business in distinct nations across the globe. As such to maintain good and strong business
relations with other countries, they have to manage all practices that contribute to quality.
The interests of these countries are centered on the economic welfare and maintenance of
business relations with other nations. As such, for countries like US and China to avoid
economic failures and promote good business relations with foreign nations they have to work on
building the quality of their work and in turn enhance performance. On the contrary, if these
countries fail to allow quality to be a significant component in the economic development they
are likely to encounter problems in healthcare, manufacturing and other sectors (Evans, 2014).
A country like China should embark on building its quality. Currently, China’s economic
power is rising and is likely to face internal and external threats in the immediate future. The
country is rising to a global economic superiority over the western nations such as the USA. The
emerging economic power will expose China to external and internal economic problems such as
environmental disasters, and massive recalls among others. Thus, for the country to avoid such
problems in the future, it should allow quality to be a part of its quest towards enhancing
performance. As China tries to maintain a lead in the global economic power, it should work on
improving performance excellence through quality management.

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Running Head: IMPORTANCE OF QUALITY Importance of Quality Institution Affiliation Date: 1 IMPORTANCE OF QUALITY 2 In the contemporary society, quality is the significant component in every organization. It is also likely to remain an essential part of the continuous quest for improving the performance of organizations across the globe (Evans and Lindsay, 2013). Countries such as the US and China are recognized for their global economic power. These nations have extended their business in distinct nations across the globe. As such to maintain good and strong business relations with other countries, they have to manage all practices that contribute to quality. The interests of these countries are centered on the economic welfare and maintenance of business relations with other nations. As such, for countries like US and China to avoid economic failures and promote good business relat ...
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