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Students With Disabilities.edited

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Children with Disabilities
Student’s Name

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Children with Disabilities
Primarily, students with disabilities need better training and more coordination in
schools. In order for these schools to facilitate better training for students with disabilities, they
need more funds to identify areas of need and help the students overcome the challenges. Local
schools need special equipment, teachers, and programs for students with disabilities (Carroll,
Families with students with disabilities believe that local schools do not provide equal
opportunities for all students including those with disabilities (Feinberg, 2012). The issue has got
in minds of many parents because they are always told local schools do not have enough funding
to facilitate proper learning to students with disabilities. Most parents receive this message when
they try to enroll their children in local schools and thus believe the education system is failing
and not providing equal opportunities for normal and disabled students in local schools (Hogan,
2012). Parents are therefore forced to hire private teachers to facilitate learning for their children
with disabilities which are not affordable to most families.
Additionally, families with disabilities believe that education system is failing them.
Most mainstream schools in the country do not take the steps required to provide knowledge to
children with disabilities effectively (Marini, & Stebnicki, 2012). Students with special needs are
expected to be handled with care and there are some steps that need to be taken by the teachers
while teaching to ensure the kids acquire adequate knowledge despite their disabilities (Hunt, &
Marshall, 2012). Some of the teachers in these schools do not have enough training to handle
students with special needs and that is why they do not take the required steps while teaching.

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1 Running Head: CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES Children with Disabilities Student’s Name Institution 2 CHILDREN WITH DISABILITIES Children with Disabilities Primarily, students with disabilities need better training and more coordination in schools. In order for these schools to facilitate better training for students with disabilities, they need more funds to identify areas of need and help the students overcome the challenges. Local schools need special equipment, teachers, and programs for students with disabilities (Carroll, 2013). Families with students with disabilities believe that local schools do not provide equal opportunities for all students including those with disabilities (Feinberg, 2012). The issue has got in minds of many parents because they are always told local schools do not have enough funding to facilitate proper learning to students with disabilities. Most parents receive this message when they try to enroll their children in local schools and thus believe the education system is failing and not providing equal opportunities for normal and disabled students in local schools (Hogan, 2012). Parents are therefore forced to hire private teachers to facilitate ...
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