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Scientific Research

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Scientific Research 2
Scientific methods entail frameworks meant to study and learn deeply about the
phenomena that occur within the environment. Scientific research entails a flexible step of
methods that one ought to follow to analyze data and draw conclusions. The paper focuses on the
steps followed in a scientific research from the observation that led to a question and hypothesis
and the experiment that followed. Once an experiment gets conducted the outcome must get
analyzed and inferences generated from the outcome of the data that either confirm or refute the
hypothesis statement.
The method took place within a laboratory setting where a group of mice to establish
whether caffeine in coffee reduced glucose levels within the body. According to Bellamy,
(2015), the steps involved subjecting 11 mice subjected to water, while another group of ten
consumed water mixed with black in the ratio 1:1. The process continued for a period of five
weeks during which their blood sugar levels got monitored. The relation between glucose level
and caffeine level in the body steered the research activity.
The experiment entailed subjecting a given group of mice to water only that acted as the
control experiment while the other group got subjected to the full study containing water and
caffeine. According to Bellamy, (2015), the glucose level got measured in both scenarios for a
period of five weeks then their outcome got determined. The hypothesis could be that caffeine
reduced glucose level in the bloodstream. The experimental group and the control group got
measured of potential outcomes but treated differently. The water acted as an independent
variable while glucose acted as a dependent variable since its presence relied on the occurrence

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Running head: SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Topic: Scientific Research Student name: Instructor name: Course name: Date: Scientific Research 2 Introduction Scientific methods entail frameworks meant to study and learn deeply about the phenomena that occur within the environment. Scientific research entails a flexible step of methods that one ought to follow to analyze data and draw conclusions. The paper focuses on the steps followed in a scientific research from the observation that led to a question and hypothesis and the experiment that followed. Once an experiment gets conducted the outcome must get analyzed and inferences generated from the outcome of the data that either confirm or refute the hypothesis statement. Discussion The method took place within a laboratory setting where a group of mice to establish whether caffeine in coffee reduced glucose levels within the body. According to Bellamy, (2015), the steps involved subjecting 11 mice subjected to water, while another group of ten consumed water mixed with black in the ratio 1:1. The process continued for a period of five weeks during which their blood sugar levels got monitored. The relation between glucose level and caffein ...
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