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Agencies And Grants

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Agencies and Grants

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Agencies and Grants
Question 1
Bellevue Police Department is a law enforcement agency in Western Washington and
received a grant of $13,548 in September 2015 (Perbangsa et al., 2016). The Department of
Justice grants will utilize the money to pay for various purposes such as ballistic vests, crime-
analysis software, stun guns, as well as school in addition to crime-prevention officers. This
grant interested me as it was quite resourceful in understanding the concept of agencies and
grants. It clearly explains the process of receiving grants that would help me in completing my
Question 2
A grant of $13,548 granted to the Bellevue Police Department will be utilized to buy
video-synopsis software in addition to a stand-alone computer that constitutes of an elevated-
speed processor. The grant will permit the department to buy computer machines and accessories
with the ability to download surveillance material and then select particular components the
computer will searchfor, in the form of or an individual in a red shirt. The framework is then
in a position to instantly examine the video file, utilizing the particular parameters, and offers
only the ‘hitsthat are consistent with the considerations initially fed into the system (Leonard &
Miller, 2015). This permits officers as well as detectives to look through elongated periods of
surveillance film in a shortened period of time, and in instances where time is regarded
importance, allows them attain video proof more quickly considered toneeding to physically go
through the whole video.
Question 3

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Running head: AGENCIES AND GRANTS 1 Agencies and Grants Name Institution AGENCIES AND GRANTS 2 Agencies and Grants Question 1 Bellevue Police Department is a law enforcement agency in Western Washington and received a grant of $13,548 in September 2015 (Perbangsa et al., 2016). The Department of Justice grants will utilize the money to pay for various purposes such as ballistic vests, crimeanalysis software, stun guns, as well as school in addition to crime-prevention officers. This grant interested me as it was quite resourceful in understanding the concept of agencies and grants. It clearly explains the process of receiving grants that would help me in completing my paper. Question 2 A grant of $13,548 granted to the Bellevue Police Department will be utilized to buy video-synopsis software in addition to a stand-alone computer that constitutes of an elevatedspeed processor. The grant will permit the department to buy computer machines and accessories with the ability to download surveillance material and then select particular components the computer will “search” for, in the form of or an individual in a red shirt. The framework is then in a position to instantly examine the video file, utilizing the particular parameters, and offers only the ‘hits’ that are consistent with the considerations initially fed into the system (Leonard & Miller, 2015). This permits officers as well as detectives to look through elongated periods of surveillance film in a shortene ...
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