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Us Military Cultural Awareness

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Us Military Cultural Awareness
Cultural awareness is a contemporary issue in the globe. Most of the organizations and
societies in the current regime are subjected to multiculturalism (Koester, & Lustig, 2015). It
calls for a cultural sensitization and awareness if the businesses and the societies are to thrive in
the business world. This paper seeks to answer several questions based on US Military Cultural
Awareness in Dealing with Other Countries Culture, multiculturalism and cultural sensitization.
Why Is The US Military Cultural Awareness in Dealing With Other Countries Culture
Important To Society And The Work Station?
In the contemporary situation, the global setting demands a worldwide view and the
knowledge of administration, ethnic, and financial dynamics that stimulates decision making in
other nations. The current mushrooming of radical spiritual groups, global pressures, and non-
state formulation thwarts the capability to form tactical associations (Koenig, et al., 2014). This
necessitates the US military to plan a positive means of impacting and thriving in such harsh
environment. The military awareness in dealing with other country’s culture enables the forces to
understand their opponents and determine the countries that they share common interests in
addressing the global threats. Moreover, the military leaders become aware of the requirements
of multinational tasks that require understanding on the positioning impact of the US forces on
the ethnicities, rules, and culture of the host country.
Additionally, multicultural awareness enables the forces to consent and craft an
atmosphere that allows several cultural proportions to contribute their perceptions, beliefs and
conducts in constructive ways of inspiring the projected outcome. The military, cultural
awareness also ensures stability and support to operations carried out by the community,

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Running head: US MILITARY CULTURAL AWARENESS Us Military Cultural Awareness Name Institution Course Date 1 US MILTARY CULTURAL AWARENESS 2 Us Military Cultural Awareness Introduction Cultural awareness is a contemporary issue in the globe. Most of the organizations and societies in the current regime are subjected to multiculturalism (Koester, & Lustig, 2015). It calls for a cultural sensitization and awareness if the businesses and the societies are to thrive in the business world. This paper seeks to answer several questions based on US Military Cultural Awareness in Dealing with Other Countries Culture, multiculturalism and cultural sensitization. Why Is The US Military Cultural Awareness in Dealing With Other Countries Culture Important To Society And The Work Station? In the contemporary situation, the global setting demands a worldwide view and the knowledge of administration, ethnic, and financial dynamics that stimulates decision –making in other nations. The current mushrooming of radical spiritual groups, global pressures, and nonstate formulation thwarts the capability to form tactical associations (Koenig, et al., 2014). This necessitates the US military to plan a positive means of impacting and thriving in such harsh environment. The military awareness in dealing with other country’s culture enables the forces to understand their opponents and determine the countries that they share common interests in addressing the global threats. Moreover, the milita ...
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