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Engr 111 Osmosis Investigation Project

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Osmosis investigation project
Engineering 111

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Overview of the experiment
In this experiment we are investigating about osmosis. Osmosis is the movement of solvent
molecules from a place of lower solute concentration to an area of higher solute concentration in
an attempt to equalize the concentration of the solution. In an osmosis project, two areas
separated by a semipermeable membrane are required. It is important to conduct the experiment
in the lap so that we can understand how osmosis works. In this experiment we will use water
and a solution.
Phenomenon applicable
Osmosis works by solvents moving across a semipermeable membrane separating two solutions.
Osmosis takes place by osmotic pressure. Osmotic pressure is the external pressure required to
stop net movement of solvent across the membrane. Osmotic pressure depends on the
concentration of the solution. Water molecules are able to move where sugar molecules are
larger through a membrane. To carry out the project we have to measure the amount of water and
solution entering the salt through a permeable membrane.
Short discussion of last week’s design/construction activities and results
Last week design was about two tubes that are separated by a membrane. The two tubes were
occupied with water and a salty solution. The observation that was made is that after some time
the level of the water in the tube had reduced and the solution level had increased. The process
that took place for the rise of the level of the salty solution and the fall of the level of water in the
other tube is known as osmosis.
Description of your current equipment design
The current equipment design involves two small PVC, two stainless steel, Reducer, two
adapters, four-legged wheel studs, and two plastic Outer Diameter 0.5mm. The equipment was
arranged a shown in the photograph bellow.

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Osmosis investigation project Engineering 111 Institution 2 Introduction Overview of the experiment In this experiment we are investigating about osmosis. Osmosis is the movement of solvent molecules from a place of lower solute concentration to an area of higher solute concentration in an attempt to equalize the concentration of the solution. In an osmosis project, two areas separated by a semipermeable membrane are required. It is important to conduct the experiment in the lap so that we can understand how osmosis works. In this experiment we will use water and a solution. Phenomenon applicable Osmosis works by solvents moving across a semipermeable membrane separating two solutions. Osmosis takes place by osmotic pressure. Osmotic pressure is the external pressure required to stop net movement of solvent across the membrane. Osmotic pressure depends on the concentration of the solution. Water molecules are able to move where sugar molecules are larger through a membrane. To carry out the project we have to measure the amount of water and solution entering the salt through a permeable membrane. Short discussion of last week’s design/construction activities and results Last week design was about two tubes that are separated by a membrane. The two tubes were occupied with water and a salty solution. The observation that was made is that after some time the level of the water in the tube had reduced and the solution level had increased. The process that took place for the ...
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