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Strategy Implementation Evaluation And Control Final

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Apple’s Environmental Scanning
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Apple’s Environmental Scanning
Strategic Implication
International Strategy
Most of the stores of Apple are in the Americas although they have plans of opening
more stores around the world soon. Their focus for global expansion is majorly the emerging
economies and especially China. This international strategy would be useful for them since
will be able to utilize their economies of scale and scope, and this will make them successful
in their international markets. The products are usable for many countries cultures. Moreover,
they take advantage of various global outlets such as foreign direct investment, foreign
licensing, exporting, importing and outsourcing (DuBrin, 2012). Although most of their
suppliers are from Asia, some are from the Americas and Europe. The firm has constantly
been updating its products in the developed markets. Therefore, by going global, it can be
able to sell the earlier models in, the less developed markets.
Strategic Implementation
The strategic of coming up with new products and putting an emphasis on the design
has been successful since it applies the aspects of strategic implementation. It allocates the
resources for developing the new products in well thought (Collier, 2012). Some of the
policies that have made the organization successful include its strategic implementation of
outsourcing of production of the products of Apple from China. It has been able to reduce the
expenses of production while at the same time maintaining their high quality. Moreover, their
superior design is a strategy that has worked to make them stand out.
Influence of Government and Ethics
Apple has been fighting some court battles with the Government. For instance, there
is a legal dispute and Apple. This started when the Government filed a response to Apple's
refusal of cooperating with the order of a federal magistrate to help the FBI find ways of

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Running Head: APPLE’S ENVIRONMENTAL SCANNING Apple’s Environmental Scanning Student’s Name Institution’s Name 1 APPLE’S ENVIRONMENTAL SCANNING 2 Apple’s Environmental Scanning Strategic Implication International Strategy Most of the stores of Apple are in the Americas although they have plans of opening more stores around the world soon. Their focus for global expansion is majorly the emerging economies and especially China. This international strategy would be useful for them since will be able to utilize their economies of scale and scope, and this will make them successful in their international markets. The products are usable for many countries cultures. Moreover, they take advantage of various global outlets such as foreign direct investment, foreign licensing, exporting, importing and outsourcing (DuBrin, 2012). Although most of their suppliers are from Asia, some are from the Americas and Europe. The firm has constantly been updating its products in the developed markets. Therefore, by going global, it can be able to sell the earlier models in, the less developed markets. Strategic Implementation The strategic of coming up with new products and putting an emphasis on the design has been successful since it applies the aspects of strategic implementation. It allocates the resources for developing the new products in well thought (Collier, 2012). Some of the policies that have made the organization successful include its strategic implementation of out ...
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