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The Four Stages Of Cruelty

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The Four Stages of Cruelty
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The Four Stages of Cruelty
Cruelty is a marital action or conduct that is held to endanger life or their health by
causing mental suffering. Wiliam Hogarth in his autobiography reveals that different activities
were done with the desire to prevent animal cruelty along the streets of London.( Andrew
Edmunds, London) The primary teaching of it is that if children are left to be cruel, it eventually
translates to them being brutal adults.
The first stage of cruelty
This first scene shows some young group of people who are mainly participating and
encouraging the cruel abuse of both birds and animals.(William Hogarth) The boys in the group
are seen to abuse a dog and a bird physically. The character Nero is among the boys who are
perceived to inflict a terrifying abuse of the dog by inhumanly pushing an arrow into the anus of
a dog. A boy to the side of Nero condemns this act by drawing the image of a hanged man to the
wall signifying that his behavior is cruel and it will cost him his life.
The second stage of cruelty
In this scene, it is profoundly shown how the cruel abuse of animals is spread in London
streets. Nero is seen to inhumanly beat up his poor horse after it fell due to the tiring cart at its
back. This scene just amplifies the extents to which animal abuse and cruelty has dominated.
Cruelty in perfection
The character Nero is seen to be apprehended after he embarked on a dangerous highway
robbery and murdering an innocent person.( Andrew Edmunds, London) His entire existence
depicts his inherent viciousness and cruelty way of living his life. He showcases the outmost
rottenness of his whole character. What is very much horrifying is that he kills his partner while
she is pregnant.

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Running head: THE FOUR STAGES OF CRUELTY The Four Stages of Cruelty Student’s Name Institution Date 1 THE FOUR STAGES OF CRUELTY 2 The Four Stages of Cruelty Cruelty is a marital action or conduct that is held to endanger life or their health by causing mental suffering. Wiliam Hogarth in his autobiography reveals that different activities were done with the desire to prevent animal cruelty along the streets of London.( Andrew Edmunds, London) The primary teaching of it is that if children are left to be cruel, it eventually translates to them being brutal adults. The first stage of cruelty This first scene shows some young group of people who are mainly participating and encouraging the cruel abuse of both birds and animals.(William Hogarth) The boys in the group are seen to abuse a dog and a bird physically. The character Nero is among the boys who are perceived to inflict a terrifying abuse of the dog by inhumanly pushing an arrow into the anus of a dog. A boy to the side of Nero condemns this act by drawing the image of a hanged man to the wall signifying that his behavior is cruel and it will cost him his life. The second stage of cruelty In this scene, it is profoundl ...
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