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The Human Torch

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In the Fantastic Four, the second most powerful member of the team is the Human Torch Light.
Because of an accident caused in space by cosmic radiation, the Human Torch can use fire, along
with turning his entire body into it and fly.
When it comes to the given scenario, it can be understood by an example of a sponge that can be
used under the slowly running tap. The sponge would start getting wet with the water and would
absorb all the water from the tap. Then, the time will come that there would be no more capacity
in the sponge to absorb a single drop of water and it would start dripping out the water. It can be
said that the sponge had a particular capacity against which it could absorb the water and once
that capacity is filled, it did not absorb the water anymore. Putting this example in the case of the
Human Torch, it can be said that the Human Torch can only absorb the heat as per his capacity
of absorbing the heat. He cannot absorb more heat than the capacity he has. In short, it can only
be said that the maximum thermal energy the Human Torch can absorb would be equal to mass *
specific heat * temperature change.

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In the Fantastic Four, the second most powerful member of the team is the Human Torch Light. Because of an accident caused in space by cosmic radiation, the Human Torch can use fire, along with turning his entire body into it and fly. When it comes to the given scenario, it can be understood by an e ...
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