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Philosophy Ans Revised 2

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What proclamation does the Oracle at Delphi make about Socrates’ wisdom?
Oracle Delphi illustrated that the reputation of Socrates as a philosopher as an individual who
was passionate about wisdom. Delphi regarded Socrates as a wise person in Athens other places.
Socrates was not boastful of the wisdom and would apply it for the benefit of the society.
Socrates was knowledgeable on diverse issues affecting the society.
What conclusion does Socrates come about his wisdom after talking with politicians?
Socrates believed that he is ignorant and as such others are more informed in the society. After
talking with politicians, Socrates affirmed that he is better concerning knowledgeable views.
Socrates illustrated it is essential to be honestly ignorant. Self-illusory ignorant is a worse
assessment of an individual. Integrity and knowledge demonstrate wisdom.
Does Socrates know what death is?
Socrates understands what bereavement is by offering insights such as death should not be
feared. Socrates understood the ignorance surrounded by the mystery of death in the society. No
one can comprehend whether death is good to humankind. Socrates claimed he knows nothing
about death but the possibility of good situation should not be avoided.
At what, according to the sophists, ought we to aim as the good towards which we conduct
our lives?
Integrity is essential in the society. Sophists aim to speak the truth regardless of the
consequences which ensure personal self-esteem. Answers must arrive at the truth as per the

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1 Running Head: PHILOSOPHY Philosophy Name Institution affiliation Date 2 PHILOSOPHY Philosophy What proclamation does the Oracle at Delphi make about Socrates’ wisdom? Oracle Delphi illustrated that the reputation of Socrates as a philosopher as an individual who was passionate about wisdom. Delphi regarded Socrates as a wise person in Athens other places. Socrates was not boastful of the wisdom and would apply it for the benefit of the society. Socrates was knowledgeable on diverse issues affecting the society. What conclusion does Socrates come about his wisdom after talking with politicians? Socrates believed that he is ignorant and as such others are more informed in the society. After talking with politicians, Socrates affirmed that he is better concerning knowledgeable views. Socrates illustrated it is essential to be honestly ignorant. Self-illusory ignorant is a worse assessment of an individual. Integrity and knowledge demonstrate wisdom. Does Socrates know what death is? Socrates understands what bereavement is by offering insights such as death should not be feared. Socrates understood the ignorance surrounded by the mystery of death in the society. No one can comprehend whether death is good to humankind. Socrates claimed he knows nothing about death but the possibility of good situation should not be avoided. At what, according to the sophists, ought we to aim as the good towards which we conduct our lives? Integrity is essential in the society. Sophists ...
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