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Knowledge Management

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Knowledge Management

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Knowledge Management
Knowledge management is a management framework that involves the ways through
which organizations capitalize on the value attached to their knowledge upon understanding it, in
a bid to maximize the value and application of such knowledge. As such, it results in the
building, construction, and retention of the know-how in serving the business goals. It,
therefore, the utilization of knowledge as well as its application towards the resolution of specific
problem sets.
The article by David Weinberger has close relations to knowledge management course
discussions since it begins by highlighting the Internet as a fundamental knowledge platform,
whose understanding matters to some extent. The article further reiterates the primacy of
correctly reframing the Internet upon the clear determination of the platform as an information
management (Weinberger, 2017). Moreover, the article proceeds to predict the next possible
outcome of the Internet’s reframing in the world today. Furthermore, the article likens the
Internet management with knowledge management since the latter is constantly evolving, and
the evolution affects everyone. The evolution of knowledge is a complicated process which is
often unpredictable but inevitable. Exceptionalism is also highlighted in the article, and it is a
critical element of knowledge management which puts more emphasis on the newest knowledge
developments (Weinberger, 2017).
It is inevitable that the future of knowledge management will be defined by explicit
reframing since knowledge exists as a dynamic feature that is constantly evolving. Despite the
fact that knowledge management will be redefined, it is hard to estimate what it will exactly
become in the future. According to the play of history, knowledge management has continuously

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Running head: KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Knowledge Management Name Institution 1 KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT 2 Knowledge Management Knowledge management is a management framework that involves the ways through which organizations capitalize on the value attached to their knowledge upon understanding it, in a bid to maximize the value and application of such knowledge. As such, it results in the building, construction, and retention of the know-how in serving the business goals. It, therefore, the utilization of knowledge as well as its application towards the resolution of specific problem sets. The article by David Weinberger has close relations to knowledge management course discussions since it begins by highlighting the Internet as a fundamental knowledge platform, whose understanding matters to some extent. The article further reiterates the primacy of correctly reframing the Internet upon the clear determination of the platform as an information management (Weinberger, 2017). Moreover, the article proceeds to predict the next possible outcome of the Internet’s reframing in the world today. Furthermore, the article likens the Internet management with knowledge management since the ...
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